"We are in Korea, in Seoul."

"Oh." Her voice didn't waver, but she was surprised.

"Yeah, must be a shock to you. I will have to ask Soobin, the woman you are with, to help you get ready and meet me somewhere later. Is that okay?" Joshua asked her, it would be easier to talk face to face. Ophely complied and gave back the phone to its owner with a bright smile, grateful for the help.

While Soobin talked on the phone with Joshua, Ophely sat quietly on the bed, observing her surroundings, watching the sky through the window. The sky was dark, proving the point that it was either early in the morning or very late at night. Joshua had seemed quite tired over the phone and she was very sorry for causing such a mayhem in people's ordinary life. At one point, Soobin had stood up and started pacing around the room, which had no decorations other than extremely ordinary decorations and white, well, everything. The sheets were white, so were the bathrobes (including the one the woman was sporting), the chairs were white and every flat surface was too. The room, too bland to belong to anyone, was a hotel room. Probably a place to have privacy from prying eyes.

Movement on her left made Ophely look away from the very ugly stone print that hung on the wall in front of her, the woman, still clad in the robes, was searching in her handbag for a certain object, one she took out seconds later.

She went to sit down on one of the chairs beside the desk and started writing in the notepad she had fished from the inside of her bag. Still talking in Korean, she started taking notes, short lines, reading it a few times before she hung up and turned to look at Ophely, Jeonghan, whoever.

"Come." She simply said, dragging a finger towards him back to a door on the side of the room, the bathroom, Ophely supposed. Both girls stood up, one going towards the indicated door and the other stooping down to the floor and collecting garments from it.

The bathroom, as expected, was simple, white and had a marble counter under a big mirror. Ophely finally had a chance to see what her body looked like.

The man was somewhat tall with a pale complexion and had soul searching eyes which had a beautiful almond shape, his hair were short, falling in front of his eyes, in a beautiful pale silver colour. His small lips, now matching his eyes, were a bright red colour. The face was angelic and pretty, how was this man a man? Ophely, frowned, watching her reflection do the same. She brushed her hair back, observing her every move, and then she smiled, and the sight of his smile made her smile more, the more her reflection smiled, the more she smiled.

That's how Soobin found him later, in front of the mirror, holding the thin sheets on top of him and smiling at his reflection. He looked very innocent compared to his usual self which always had a little light of mischief behind his eyes. Here, he looked like a child playing in front of a display window. She guessed that it must be weird to be in a different body, having not any time to get used to your face and looks. Soobin leaned against the doorframe until he saw her there. He gave her a sheepish smile, something she was not used to.

"Here." She said, putting clothes on the counter in front of him. "Clothe are your, shower and meet me in room ." Her instructions were simple and clear even with the few words she knew. Ophely nodded and waited until she had left the room before locking the door. She found some soap, or what she guessed was soap, and made her way to the shower.

That was the most awkward shower Ophely had ever taken, she tried not to look at his body part, but she still had to clean herself and lean her head forward to not get any water in her eyes as it came from the showerhead on top of her. She had never imagined that the first male body she would see was while in it, the body felt foreign to her, especially the thing between her legs that no woman had. The shower, as quick as it could get, was quickly done, but she dreaded what was to come, dressing up. Even if she hadn't seen the body entirely, she would still see more at that moment. How did men put their thing in their boxers?

Why did she have to know the answer to that question? Ophely ended up getting dressed in his clothes fairly quickly, after taking time to figure out how a man dressed. He had been wearing simple skinny jeans and a pale blue shirt the previous day, simple but nice.

Ophely towel-dried her hair, passing her fingers through them to somewhat style them. Overall, she could say that he was hot. Jeonghan's body was toned and had muscles while still maintaining a slim body. She made her way out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and brushing her hand through his hair one more time.

She held the sheets she had folded in her arms as well as her pair of socks, she didn't want to wet them while in the bathroom. Soobin seemed to be shocked by his appearance when he got out of the room, she furrowed her eyebrows but said nothing, she simply gave him his shoes and jacket.

Ophely sat down on the bed, left the sheets there, and put on her socks followed by his shoes. His jacket was actually very warm, a hat and a mask laid inside the pockets. She took both items out befuddled, why did he need a cap in the middle of winter? This man must be weirder than she thought. But when Soobin glared at her and motioned for her to put both items on, Ophely didn't question her and did so.

Now, she could see what she was wearing. Soobin was wearing a beautiful dress well paired with leggings and sandals, somehow she looked underdressed and well dressed at the same time. Ophely couldn't really tell as she had the shitttiest taste in fashion, she wouldn't be able to tell you what was cool or what looked stupid.

The two women left the room, one as herself and the other as a man she had no idea who he was. The elevator ride was silently awkward, Soobin didn't know what to do and Ophely had no idea how to talk in Korean, she only knew 'hi' and 'thank you'.

Both kept quiet the entire ride, even when Soobin gave the keys back to the clerk in the lobby. They walked down the streets of Seoul, the early morning made the streets quieter than usual, but people still bustled past both of them. After finding out that Ophely had a knack to stray away from her, Soobin took the step of holding his hand tightly in hers so as to not lose him before she left him in the café in which Jisoo had given them rendezvous. She had her phone out in front of her, a navigation app opened and traced the path they should take to the destination, Jisoo had taken a good one that wasn't very far from the hotel they had been staying in.

The café was a quaint 24/7 place with only a few people straying inside. Soobin made a bee-line towards a man sitting near the back of the main room with a hat on, in his hands sat a coffee cup, two other ones left on the table still fuming. The closer the two got, the clearer the cups looked, one was clearly larger than the other.

The man looked up from his cup, he gave them a small wave and a yawn. Ophely felt sorry for waking him up this early, he must have work the next day.

"Good morning." He mumbled. "와서 앉아" He said patting the seat next to him. Soobin quickly sat down in the other seat available around the small table and gingerly took the small cup of coffee. Ophely stayed standing for a few more seconds, when the man looked back up at her, she slowly took a seat between the two adults. "I didn't know what you would want, and since you're quite young, I ordered a hot chocolate." Ophely smiled grateful and took a sip from the drink, the warmth of it quickly warmed her up, she hadn't realised that it was that cold outside. ("Come and sit.")

"Thank you." She murmured.

The Reason? - Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now