"That blonde woman, did you know her?"

I gulped and rubbed at my forehead. Maybe Jack should join the Bureau after all.

"No, she was foreign... She was talking about death and the afterlife." I hurriedly blurted.

"Oh," Jack smirked and started the engine. "That's spooky."

As we left the cemetery, I couldn't help but look around for Emily, wondering where she had come from and why she had felt the need to risk coming to the graveside.

The Traitor

I sat in the old staff-room, my knees jumping as my legs shook with nerves. I'd chewed my nails down to little stubs and my mouth was so dry my tongue kept sticking to the roof of my mouth.

The fact that I couldn't hear crying or screaming or huge amounts of rustling, told me that whatever was going on in Melanie's cell, wasn't too drastic.

I looked up as I heard footsteps coming along the corridor, and was met with Ainsley scowling as she entered the room.

"What happened?" I asked, watching as she slumped down in a chair at the table.

"She wanted rid of me." She moaned, reaching for a wipe on the table so she could rid her hands of Melanie's blood.

I swallowed hard and averted my eyes.

"Melanie's spent the majority of her life thinking that her mother's been dead, it's hardly a crime if Kate wants some alone time with her."

"Listen to you, Mother Teresa." Ainsley snapped.

I threw her a glare, but didn't respond, and sat back in my chair, folding my arms to keep from looking anxious.

Time passed so slowly, the pair of us sat in silence staring off into the distance.

"How did she take it?" I asked eventually, kicking myself for even asking.

"What do you care?" Ainsley snapped. "You're supposed to be on our side, remember?" She smirked devilishly, desperate for the day that I slipped up and favoured Melanie.

"I am on your side," I said in a bored tone, rolling my eyes. "I was merely making conversation."

We lapsed back into silence and I wished I was here with anyone other than Ainsley. Her annoying eager-to-please attitude became real boring real quick, and I couldn't stand the way she sucked up to Kate at any given opportunity.

After what felt like hours, Kate came clacking back down the hall and into the room.

"Okay, now that the cat's out of the bag, maybe we'll have some more luck." She said, winking at me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Clearly she isn't getting anywhere," Kate said, jerking her head towards Ainsley. "So, for interrogation later, you and I will go in instead." She smiled wickedly and crossed to the refrigerator.

"We're doing interrogations instead?" I asked, perplexed, and my stomach felt as though it was going to explode.

"Yes," She said exaggeratedly, turning to scowl at me. "That's what I just said..." She narrowed her eyes at me as she realised I wasn't as enthusiastic as Ainsley.

"Don't worry," She smiled devilishly. "I'll ask the questions, you can do the whipping."

The Protector

It took me a while to decide, but eventually, I knew I had no other choice and that I was more than ready to leave. I gathered the laptop and external hard-drive, and went into the front-room where Jack was playing video games.

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