Jealousy (1/?)

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Dream, Sapnap, & George (the ship is Dreamnap 😳)
Fluff with a little bit of angst and like some flirting shit (the flirting will be in part to if I get the motivation to make it-) 👁👁
no tw's


Sapnap's pov

Dream and I finally met up in real life, we were at Dreams house. Dream was live streaming and I was chilling on his bed. None of the fans know that we met up yet, or George, if we told George he would've gotten all jealous and stuff. Dream was talking to George. I tried to ignore the sudden bursts of laughter from Dream, his responses to whatever George was saying, just their conversation in general. I couldn't hear what George was saying because Dream had his headphones in. All of a sudden something Dream said had caught my attention. "George! You can't say that! I'm streaming right now!" He said through giggles. I started getting curious and somewhat envious to what they were talking about, I pretended that I wasn't paying attention and just scrolled through my phone homescreen, trying to make it seem like I was busy. "No, no I'm not saying that. It would get clipped and posted everywhere." Dream protested to whatever the hell George was saying.

I turned off my phone and stuffed it into my pocket. I layed down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Alright, alright, I'll say it. You simp." Dream muttered. I listened closely. "Ugh,, Alright here I go,,, I'm gonna say it now,, just, uh- okAY okay, I'll stop procrastinating.. George I love you,, will you marry me?-" Dream said, suddenly bursting out into laughter. I sat up quickly. Sure he must've said it as a joke but,, I really envied that he was saying to George and not me, and why would George even want him to say that? Wait, why am I even being jealous about it? I don't even like Dream like that, I'm pretty sure I don't. I mean last time I checked it wasn't gay to wanna kiss the homies goodnight. (a/n: I'M SORRY I JUST HAD TO ADD THAT-)

I kept thinking about what Dream said. It just made me feel more, mad I guess? I got off the bed and left his room, I went over to the the guest room, which was where I was staying for the next two weeks. I opened the door and went inside, shutting the door behind me. I guess I shut it a little to hard because it made a loud slam. Welp, maybe Dream didn't notice, he's pretty busy talking to George, even if he did notice he probably wouldn't care.

Dream's pov

I heard a loud slam, I turned around. Oh, Sapnap's gone. "Dream, what was that?" George asked. "Oh you heard that too?" I asked. "Well yeah, it was pretty loud." He pointed out. I rolled my eyes. "Pff, yeah. Maybe it's some robber, I'll go check it out." I joked, muting my mic. I got off my chair and left my room. I walked over to the guest room, Patches zoomed upstairs, immediately started following me. I laughed softly. I picked her up and knocked on the door. There was no response. I shrugged and decided to open the door, the lights were off and Sapnap was sitting on the bed, with his headphones in listening to music.

He looked up, noticing me. He paused whatever he was listening to and took off his headphones. "Oh, hi Dream." He said. "Hey, Sap. Are you alright? I heard a door slam." I said softly. "Oh yeah I'm fine I guess, I just didn't realize I shut the door so loud. Sorry." He muttered. I sat down on the end of the bed, setting Patches down, she walked over to sapnap and sat down on his lap. "It's alright, why'd you leave? Just wondering." I asked, scooting over so I was now sitting next to him, he started petting Patches. "I was just getting bored. There wasn't really much to do besides just sitting on your bed." He said, looking away from me. "Aww, I'm sorry. How about we could go hang out, it'd be stupid to have you here and just not hang out with you. How about we could go watch a movie?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to just end your stream because of me,," He said quietly. "No, no, it's alright, really. It's not a big deal. It's not like I was having much fun anyways."

"But you were with George. You were laughing together and stuff, it looked like you were having fun." He pointed out. "Well yeah, it was fun, but talking to the same one person for almost four hours straight can get a little boring." I said. He let out a small laugh. "Yeah,," He said, smiling slightly. "How about we go to the living room and watch a movie?" I suggested. He smiled then nodded. I got up and he got up too, setting Patches down. We both headed downstairs together. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked. Sapnap thought for a moment. "Princess and The Frog." He said. "Really??" I asked. "Well yeah, it's a great movie." He said defensively. I laughed slightly. "Alright. You go set it up, I'm gonna go end my stream, okay?" Sapnap smiled. "Alright."

(A/N: aaaaaand end of part one because I'm too lazy to finish, I got other ideas that I wanna do 👁👁)

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