Christmas special chapter

Depuis le début

4 min later

The auditorium door was open forcefully by a kick from (Y/N) with a stack of paper was now walking inside the room along with Jayden and his bodyguard being strangle by his stand that he threw them to their arranged seat and then went up on the stage and then put the stack of paper on his desk and turn his attention to everybody in the auditorium where Tanya then stood up from her seat and began the greeting.

Tanya: " STAND UP!"

Everybody now standing up.

Tanya: " AND GREET!"

 And everybody greet to their history teacher before seating down. After hearing their greets, (Y/N) then give out an annoucement.

(Y/N): " Alright everyone. As you may know that today is christmas eve and i believe you are all excited, am i right?"

Everybody then nodded their head.

(Y/N): " Good, now if you could see the stack paper that you could see that these paper are the exam practice paper that i had already given and i could see that half you all had done very terribly that you all wanted me to give you an extra homework, am i right?"

We could some people who had failed shake their head and were now worrying about a very cruel punishment they would face but however to their surprise that this time (Y/N) was not doing anything to punish them because he just sigh in disappointment.

(Y/N): " *Sigh* since because i had seen how exhausted you all are, then i believe i had to tell you all that today we are ending early so you may all leave now, so bye and also bah Humbug to all of you."

(Y/N) then start to walk down the stage and make his way out of the auditorium which leave everybody in the auditorium to be confused.

Subaru: " Did."

Kazuma: " He."

Rhiner: " Just."

Jordan: " Said."

Koenigg: " We."

Weiss: " Can."

Joyce: " Leave."

Aqua: " school."

Grantz: " Early."

Then the rest of them look at each other and were silence for awhile until they all throw all of their books in the air except for tanya who was very disappointed, Ainz who just remain calm while the guardians are just looking at the others weirdly.


Meanwhile outside of the auditorium was (Y/N) standing beside the entrance and was actually drinking a hot tea from his thermos until Jotaro came to him.

Jotaro: " So it seem that you had just given them a chance to have freedom, is it?"

(Y/N): " Yes. And i also promise to my sister that i will prepare the party right away."

(Y/N) then take another sip of his tea while Jotaro was now taking a cigarette out from his cigarette box and then light and began smoking.

Jotaro: " So who else is coming to this party?"

(Y/N): " Well mostly the teachers and every other student that Joyce and Jordan could invite."

Jotaro: " I see."

Silence was then appear beside the cheering of the student in the auditorium that the two of them began to feel bored.

(Y/N): " So do you want to play that baseball video game?"

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