Christmas Cookies

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The crew had recently put up Christmas decorations and thus the landscape had turned into a festive wonderland. The bright lights and cheery atmosphere the decorations brought had fox rushing into the kitchen to bake the Christmas cookies he been itching to make since July.

Fox hummed quietly as he deftly moved around the kitchen. An array of ingredients in small measuring bowls sat on the countertop beside a mixing bowl, scales and a wooden spoon. Christmas music was playing softly from the radio in the corner, loud enough to be heard in the kitchen but quiet enough to not disturb anyone else.
Fox smiled to himself as he thought about the rapidly approaching holiday. Christmas was always so magical! Seeing the reactions of the others when they opened their presents on Christmas morning never failed to make him smile. Even Wolf would take a day off to join in with the festivities. It was going to be just wonderful!
He smiled even wider thinking of his boyfriend, this would be their third Christmas living together. He was so relieved when everyone finally accepted Wolf as a part the their blended family of friends and co-workers.

Wolf could hear the faint Christmas music as it drifted through his open door. Of course his boyfriend would start playing Christmas music as soon as the decorations were put up. The moral side had wanted to start playing them in July until Wolf had put his foot down and convinced him it was far too early.
He turned back to his work, leaving fox to continue in his own festive world.
He smiled. Ironic how they had spent so long as enemies, and then lovers , and now, committed boyfriends. He didn't know where he would be if it weren't for Fox.
An hour passed before Wolf became worried. The pleasant smell of baking cookies that had been gliding into the room had now turned into the smell of something burning. Their home was mostly metal, but was their home able to burn down? Wolf didn't want to find out. He stood and quickly made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. Fox was humming to himself as he cleaned up, blissfully unaware of the burning treats.
"Fox?" He was surprised that his boyfriend couldn't smell the cookies burning.
"Oh, hi Wolf!" Fox exclaimed, turning to face him as he dried his hands on a dishcloth.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Wolf hinted, amused eyes flitting to the oven, that now had thin tendrils of smoke drifting from it, then back to Fox.
Fox thought for a few seconds, twisting the dishcloth in his hands. A look of realisation dawned on him as his head whipped towards the oven. He rushed over and pulled open the door, releasing a cloud of smoke into the kitchen. A tray full of ruined cookies was dropped onto the countertop, blackened and burned.
Fox stared at the now destroyed cookies. He'd worked so hard on them! Taking the still hot tray with a dishcloth, he dumped the cookies into the garbage bin.
"Fox? Are you okay?" Wolf's voice had him looking up, away from the empty tray.
"Yeah," Fox sighed, a sad smile appearing.  "I just can't believe I burned them, should've paid more attention."
A thought occurred to Wolf, an epiphany if you will, and his words sprung forth before he had the chance to think about it. "I could help you make some more, if you like?"
Fox's head whipped up to face him, shock morphing into glee. "Really? You'll help me?"

Wolf thought about it for a minute. It would put him behind on his work. He would have to work into the night to catch up...but it would make Fox happy, and now the best thing in the universe was making his boyfriend smile. "Of course, I offered didn't I?"
"Let's get started then!" Fox exclaimed happily, grabbing Wolf's hand and pulling him towards the work surface.

The two worked in tandem with each other. Wolf measured out the ingredients and handed them to Fox, who added them to the bowl and mixed them. That was until Fox thought it would be hilarious to cover Wolf in flour. "Hey, Wolf," he called cutely, a dash of flour ready and waiting on his outstretched palm.
"Yes, Fo-" Wolf started. As he turned, his vision was clouded with white as the flour was launched towards him. As the flour cloud cleared, Wolf looked down at his now ruined shirt and tie. They were both covered in flour. He removed his eye patch and used a still clean part of his shirt to wipe off the thin layer of flour that had settled on them. His hand reached up and swiped down his face, fingers coming away coated in the offending substance. "And what was the reason for that?" he asked Fox, who was now chuckling and trying hard to keep laughter out of his words.
"Aw, come on, Wolfy! It's funny," Fox laughed, a large grin still lighting up his face.
"If you say so," Wolf replied, remaining stoic as he turned back to the scales. He'd get his revenge, he just had to bide his time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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The Art of Making Cookies : A Star Fox Christmas Special Where stories live. Discover now