Chapter 21 - Business Dinner

Começar do início

The family walked over to the entrance of the building. A restaurant waiter was waiting by the entrance. Momo stood behind her parents, watching as they took care of the reservations.

"Welcome, may I check your reservations please?" The waiter spoke. Momo's mother elegantly answered, like always.

"Under the name Yaoyorozu. We made a reservation with the Jirou's and Todoroki's." Mrs Yaoyorozu answered. The butler immediately ticked off the name on his list. He bowed as he indicated for the family to pass.

"Very well, have a wonderful evening." The butler spoke. The father thanked the butler as the family went through the open entrance of the fancy restaurant. It was quite busy, filled with wealthy families and rich people. The Yaoyorozu's were guided by a butler up to their table.

As they arrived, Momo noticed that the two other families were already there. Momo's parents took a seat as Momo did herself.

The table was neatly dressed, a white clean sheet covering the round surface. The glasses and plates were elegantly placed and so were the utensils. A bouquet of flowers sat in the middle of the table.

Momo looked around to see that Enji Todoroki, Rei Todoroki and Shouto Todoroki were sitting on one side. Just like Momo, Shouto didn't seem too happy to be attending the dinner. As for the Jirou family, the black-haired girl was expecting to see Kyouka.

But as she searched for the girl, she noticed there was only Mr and Mrs Jirou.

"Good to see you have been able to attend, Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu." Enji spoke on a polite town. Rei and Shouto sat in the background, not saying anything. Enji was pretty much controlling the conversation over the two. Mrs Yaoyorozu chuckled.

"Yes, very well. We've been wanting to discuss a couple of things." Mr Yaoyorozu explained. Mrs Jirou nodded.

"Mhm, indeed. I wanted to discuss one of the projects that was to come soon." Mrs Jirou followed.

And so the adults kept discussing these unimportant topics. Momo occasionally looked over at Shouto as they shared both equally bored looks. The two definitely wanted to get out of there, as well as Shouto's mother.

Momo didn't know why, but something crossed her mind. Mid-way during the dinner, while the families were eating the main course, Momo decided to speak. As she cleared her throat, her parents looked at her, almost with a death glare.

The black-haired girl wasn't allowed to speak without being spoken to or asked to speak, so this was a huge rule that she was breaking. Especially because she was breaking it during an important dinner.

"Mr and Mrs Jirou, if you may, I have a question..." Momo muttered. Mr Jirou looked up as he seemed surprised that Momo was asking a question. Though he was not the against the idea, unlike her parents who were currently piercing through her with their glares.

"Of course, what is it?" Mr Jirou asked. Mrs Jirou seemed intrigued, just as much as Enji and his son, who seemed a little surprised.

"Well, your daughter, why isn't she attending tonight?" Momo asked. There was a silence. The voices of the other tables were muffled. Mrs Jirou put her chopsticks down as Mr Jirou coughed.

"Daughter?" Mr Jirou asked. Momo nodded. Mrs Jirou sighed.

"Kyouka isn't an appropriate topic to be currently discussing." Mrs Jirou finished off. Mrs Yaoyorozu chuckled awkwardly as she looked at the Jirou couple with a sorry expression.

"Excuse my daughter's behaviour. She's been feeling a little sick lately." Momo's mother covered up as she stood up from the table, grabbing Momo's arm. "Let me talk to her and clear her mind before we continue. I apologise for the interruption.".

With that, Mrs Yaoyorozu pulled Momo with her as they headed towards the bathrooms. Momo was being dragged by her arm as they finally reached an area which was more quiet and private. As Momo's mother let go of Momo's arm, the teenager seemed a little scared.

"Listen here young lady! You do not speak unless you are asked to speak during an important event like this. Learn to keep quiet when necessary." Mrs Yaoyorozu spoke strictly and aggressively.

"S-sorry mother. I don't know what came across my mind, I—". Momo tried to explain, but her mother was having it.

"You are turning 18 soon. I do not want to see you act like a child anymore." Mrs Yaoyorozu. "Don't make excuses anymore. You must be ready for when you are expected to be ready. Stay quiet, do not talk and watch. Learn, memorise and become the next heir of the company. Do not dare pollute the Yaoyorozu family image. Do you understand?".

Momo looked down, eyes teary. She couldn't show emotion. She had to listen and follow. She had to follow orders. The girl looked up as she nodded, bowing to her mother as tears rolled down her cheek and fell to the ground.

"Yes mother." Momo muttered. Mrs Yaoyorozu glared at Momo.

"Leave and tell the butler to take you home early. You are clearly not suitable for tonight." Momo's mother spoke as she left Momo in her corner. 

Little Miss Trouble - Momojirou High School AuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora