Chapter 1

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"Jimmy... Naughty." Santa drew a big check next to the name, before carrying onto the next. "Miranda..."

"Kris!" Mrs Claus called from the kitchen door, disturbing Santa's concentration. The smell of gingerbread filled the house, and Mrs Claus smiled, happy to have baked cookies for him. Santa, on the other hand, wasn't as happy.

Picking his head up, the fat man's face grew disgusted. "Is that gingerbread?" The distaste in his voice was clear.

"Oh, of course dear. It's your favorite!"

Words cannot describe the anger that took over the usually jolly man's face. "Gingerbread? GINGERBREAD?!" His anger bellowed through the house. Mrs Claus' felt her stomach sink.

Wearily, she tried to explain herself, "I... When we first met you loved gingerbread-"

Santa's voice heightened, making the jolly man seem not so jolly anymore, "GINGERBREAD IS FOR THE WEAK, WENCH!"

Now, this wasn't the first time Santa's yearly rage boiled up and he let it out on Mrs Claus. But this year, she had enough. One year it's strudel, the next it's gingerbread. She couldn't take it anymore. Storming out, she found her way to the reindeer stables. It was her calming place, where she came when Kris is heating up like chestnuts roasting on an open fire.

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