"Well that was an accident," you declare, causing his expression to dull quickly. "But, if I remember correctly, you were kinda comfortable." you taunt causing his face to brighten. You knew deep down you had to stop getting so close to him, first, the hand holding and now the inevitable sleeping next to each other. It would have to stop if you wanted to protect your feelings, but you were too exhausted to fight it tonight.

"Is that okay then? Could I? It's not weird is it?" you ask, seeking his reassurance.

"No, it's not weird, unless you think it is? Or you could try putting your head on the opposite end and-" you cut Ronnie off, interrupting his sentence. He had been rambling more than usual recently.

"It's okay," you say with a smile, as you sit beside him. You lift your legs onto the couch, making yourself comfortable, before placing your head against his shoulder. Your both silent as you feel a familiar tension build but you're so drained, you don't have a moment to dwell on it before sleep overcomes you.


Waking suddenly you open your eyes, noticing your head now resting on Ronnie's chest and his arm wrapped around you protectively. You take comfort in the sound of his heart beating, a reassurance that he was alive and safe beside you and not a part of the undead. You find yourself nuzzling into his embrace instead of pulling away, as you realize you like it, really like it. An epiphany comes over you, everything you had been feeling, suddenly making sense; the magnetic pull, the tension, was because you liked Ronnie more than a friend.

As you stay nestled in his embrace you wonder if he feels the same way. The past couple of weeks had been surreal and horrifying, but he was by your side throughout it all. Making sure you were safe, protected, and cared for.

You lift your head from his chest, sitting up to look at him sleeping peacefully. His face was calm, as if he were having serene dreams, the types that block out the dangers of the outside world. Glancing at his full lips you decide to wake him with a gentle kiss. If losing Katie had taught you anything it was that; life is too short. You were prepared to take the risk.

Taking a deep breath, you hope it would fuel you with courage as you place your knees on either side of his thighs, straddling him. He shifts slightly from your movements but doesn't stir from his sleep. You pause, calming your nerves before leaning forward and placing a gentle, tender kiss upon his full lips causing his eyes to flicker open. They widen in realization, pulling back slightly as if in shock. His hand rises to your face, cupping a cheek in his palm as he runs his thumb over it, taking you in. He flashes you a small smile before leaning into you, placing his delicate kiss on your lips as his other hand grasps at the small of your back, pulling you into him. The small gesture intensifies the moment, as your tongue enters his mouth, desperate to taste him.

Your heart rate increases as the passion between you both take hold. You couldn't believe this was happening, you had wanted him from the moment you set your eyes on him and try as you might to deny it, you couldn't fight it. He was everything you had ever wanted, even when you had fought, you had wanted him.

You pull back from the kiss breathless as your fingers begin unbuttoning his uniform shirt in haste, the black tee underneath had been teasing you for weeks. He watches your every move as you open his shirt, running a hand down his firm chest before placing another hot lustful kiss upon his lips. His hand reaches into your hair holding you against his lips as he lifts you, placing your back down onto the couch before settling himself on top of you, removing his shirt with speed, dropping it to the floor.

"I want you" you whisper breathlessly in between heated kisses. He mumbles incoherently as he departs your lips, dragging his warm mouth down your neck, causing your heart rate to increase. You run your hand through his hair, pulling at it slightly, motioning him to keep going, you need this, you needed him.

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