Well That Sucked

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After the rest of the day I head out of the building only to notice the non-stop rain coming down . I sigh " This would be the ending to this day ." I gripe .  I reach for the door only to hear a females voice " F/n can I have a word " I roll my eyes " Maybe if I don't move they will go away ." I think to myself . Rossweisse comes up to me and gives me a gentle smile " So ... can we talk F/n ?" she asks giving puppy dog eyes . I sigh " Fine , but can we go somewhere else before something else happens ?" . She smiled " Of course , I know just the spot ." She motions for me to follow her , as I do I am led to a building on campus. Once inside I find a very spacious common room occupied by my students and a few I do not have . She turns around and introduces me to everyone , once that was out of the way Rias offered me a cup of tea and a seat , I graciously take it   and take my seat and let out a deep breath . Everyone looks at me " Is there a problem Sir ?" Rias asked  , I shake my head "No , nothing like that . This is just the first time I have had to decompress since arriving here last night . Just enjoying it till you all finally work up the courage to ask me your questions you have rattling inside your heads ." I say with a chuckle while taking a sip of the tea . Everyone laughed " Are we really that predictable?" asked Akeno . I nod " A little , but its ok I don't mind it as long as I get to ask some in return ." I suggest , Rias smiled " That sounds like a good trade off , Would you like to start ?" she asked , I shook my head " Nah ladies first Miss . Rias ." I reply , this makes her blush slightly  " Well...What are you ?" she asked , I rolled my eyes " I am human ." I answer playfully , Rossweisse pouts " That's not what she meant and you know it F/n ." . I laugh at her " Fine fine I am a Druid , a human who communes and harnesses nature through magic ." I explain . Everyone looks amazed , Rias smiled "I have never met a druid before . " she says with a smirk . I nod " Yeah , we tend to .....stay to ourselves for the most part ." . "So what is your question ?" Akeno asked . I thought for a bit " So what is the deal with you guys , Not humans ,least not completely . " I then point to Rossweisse and laugh   " I knew you weren't human from the get go , I enjoyed talking to you to much ."   she blushed at my statement , I then notice Issei staring daggers at me , Rias smiled  " We are all reincarnated Devils say for me ."then something dawns on me " Why are all the girls sitting around this one guy so affectionately." I think to myself , "Miss . Rias I have one more question if its ok with everyone ." she looks to everyone and they nod " Ok Sir , feel free to ask ." I smirk " Raise your hand if you are currently in a romantic relationship with Mr. Issei here ?" after a few gasps and laughs all the girls raise their hands . I place my cup onto the table and begin to laugh uncontrollably. After a minute I stand up and address Issei "Issei ?" I say , he looks at me not as a person but as his new teacher , not sure what to think ." For as long as you are in my class , you get automatic A's , just take notes for the state tests ."I say proudly . He jumped up and gave me a hug with tears in his eyes " I am so sorry , I though you were a hard ass. " I embraced  him in a manly hug " Respect my man ." . Rossweisse interjected " F/n that is very inappropriate." she stated matter of factly . I released him and glared at her " But ....aren't you dating a student ?" I say with a one shot kill to the high horse she was on . Issei looked at me " Damn ... shots fired ." .but then Rossweisse  gives me a serious look " you won't tell will you F/n"     I wave it off " What am I going to say 'Oh Mr. Dean one of my students has a harem and one of the girls is a teacher ?" I laugh " I would sound nuts ." I brushed myself off as everyone took a collective sigh of relief " Anyway thank you for your hospitality, but I should be going , feel free to call me outside of school for any emergencies ." I take out a piece of paper and write down my number and hand it to Issei " This is for everyone , with the crap that went down today it is better to have back up then to face it alone ."  He nodded and shook my hand , I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed home . 

Time skip 

After a few hours being home I decide to watch some tv . A few minutes later I received texts 

Natures Wrath    DxD (male reader X DXD Females) *Editing *Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ