My Body Won't Stop...

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It was a bright sunny morning, and although the forecast called for rain and thunderstorms later that evening, the sky showed no signs of any change in weather. Sparrows flew across the trees, chirping and hopping across the trees spread out in the campus. Below them, the young boys of Class 1-A took a short break, before continuing on their early jog.

Izuku was amongst the middle, completely out of focus. Although his body continued running alongside his classmates, his mind was too busy recalling his first kiss over and over again.

'Her lips was so soft...she was on top of me...I really want to do it again...'

"Deku." His shoulders bumped into Bakugo, nearly startling himself from the sudden contact. Bakugo tilted his head back, slowing down his pace until he was behind the class. Izuku followed, jogging beside Bakugo while the class didn't pay too much attention.

"So," Bakugo started, in a more hush tone, "How's that power of yours coming along? Made it your own yet?"

"Oh," Izuku took a moment to reflect over his training with One for All. "Yeah, it's been good, though I haven't made too much progress."

"It's because of Round Face, isn't it?"

"What?!?" Izuku came to a complete stop, and Bakugo turned to look at him. "Ihavenoideawhatyoumeanitsnotevenlikethatatleastidontthinkmaybeitsquitepossible-"

"How are you supposed to become the #1 hero if you're too focused on romance, you worthless nerd?!"

"Kacchan, what do you mean?"

Bakugo sighed, stuffing his hands inside his pocket and continued walking. Izuku walked with him, as Bakugo started,

"Do you know why you don't hear about Pro Heroes dating? The more power you have, the more liabilities you'll gain as well. That's the unfortunate truth when it comes to being #1."

Bakugo looked towards the sky as he walked. "I'm not calling that girl frail, I know how strong she can be. But have you really taken into consideration her feelings? What if she wants to focus on her work? I don't know what happened yesterday, but I'm not stupid. She wasn't herself. All I'm saying is, don't allow your feelings to tie her down."

Izuku couldn't process everything Bakugo was saying. He understood it; Bakugo was telling the truth, and he already considered most of these things. But despite that, there was an ache in his heart, that only throbbed when the idea of not having Ochaco.

He acknowledged his crush, otherwise he wouldn't have kissed her back, he wouldn't have thought about her since the entrance exams. She was constantly on his mind, coursing through his brain, and yet as analytic he was, he couldn't find a solution.

Whether it was the quirk forcing her or her own actions, he didn't know. But he did know that what kind of friend would he be if he kept stalling for the answer.

"HEY!" A voice called out down the path, and he could see Kirishima waving towards them, with Todoroki and Iida waiting with him.

"Come on Kacchan...let's go..." Izuku ran past Bakugo and soon after his three comrades, keeping his head low as he finished up the jog back to the dorms.

"Dang, what happened BakuBro? Midoriya looks like his dog just died."

"None of your business, keep moving before I kill you."

As the four made it back towards the dorm, Izuku's phone vibrated in his pocket. He unlocked his screen to see a message from Uraraka.

Hey Deku,

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