Pain and Pleasure...

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[Editor's note: I haven't said this, but I'm making them 18 and adults who can consent. They're in the last year of UA and Mirio and the others only came to take care of Eri. I'll go back and make some needed changes if I have to.]



Thirdly, I know I said two chapters, but I just combined them and made it nearly 3000 words, since I should be able to update this throughout the week.

Warning: this is a lemon chapter 🍋 so If you don't like it, I'll add a warning before you get to that part

Bunch of pervs.

Izuku quickly sprang into actions, his protective nature and hero instincts kicking in. He rushed to Ochaco's side, her hands trembling in his grasp.

A moment of silence passed between them, as Izuku quietly inspected her hands and face as she murmured to herself. 'I need to get her cleaned up, she's not talking at all. I should call Aizawa but...I don't even know where to begin...and everyone else would ask too many questions.' He gently pulled her up off of the bed and took her to the bathroom.

As the entered the bathroom, he turned on the water in the sink and grabbed some soap. He started scrubbing Ochaco's hands, ignoring the heat rising to his cheeks due to how close they were. 'Can't focus on my own desires, Ochaco need me! Be a hero. Be a friend.'

Ochaco's eyes, downcasted, stared towards the ground, only looking up at the mirror into Izuku's eyes once or twice.

After a few minutes of warm water and scrubbing, the blood was completely gone. Izuku took another glance at her face, more closely than normal, and then left her in the bathroom to grab some items.

Ochaco's head was in a mess, nothing but a constant laughter playing in her head, her heart was aching for her Deku, but the sins weighed too heavy for her to even speak. She had placed Mina back in her own room, and cleaned up any signs of a struggle. If she was fortunate, Mina wouldn't remember a thing, although the obvious cuts on her arms would be detrimental to Ochaco's hero career.

'What have I done...', she thought, before another crash of thunder shook Heights Alliance, causing her to flinch. The storm continued through, and usually she enjoyed the dark clouds and rain pattering on her windowpane. But it only displayed her own inner turmoil and emotions, whirling within her and causing havoc inside of her heart.

'I can't think, I can't speak, every action I made has been nothing but selfish and wrong. What am I supposed to do...? Confessing made it worse, and what started off as violent ideas have turned to actions...'

Before her train of thought could finish, she heard some dresser draws close, and footsteps coming back to the bathroom. Deku was fitted in a light blue hoodie, shorts and his classic Red boots. He dropped off a towel and a few of his own garments, another hoodie and some sweatpants.

Ochaco raised her eyes towards him, and he quickly glanced away, scratching the back of his head. "Y-you can wear my clothes, so feel free to wash up. I'll be right back, I won't be long."

"Deku, it's pouring down out there, you'll get sick or-" Before she could finish her statement, Izuku was already out on the balcony activating his quirk, closing the patio door and gone into the storm.

Ochaco frowned, concerned on his destination, and then looked down at the clothes she was given. She sighed, slowly stripped and washed up in the sink, while her persona came out to gloat.

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