Something's Different...

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Izuku was blushing up a storm, and stringing words together faster than Iida's top speed.
"Urarakawhatareyourdoingdontyoukkowtjis ismebarrassingimeanicantsayidontlikeitbutidkmtwanttohurtyouandyoudontseemlikeyourselfand-"

"Hehe," she giggled, "That's another thing I like about you Deku, you're muttering is so cute!"

'Oooookay Izuku, something's not right, could this have something to do with that guy's quirk?'

"Listen, I-"

"Deku, can I ask you an honest question?"

He stopped talking and looked at her eyes, instead of the pink aura he saw the beautiful chocolate brown eyes he came to know and love.

"Sure, but could you get off of me please?"

"What do you mean?" She suddenly realized the position she's in and started blushing redder than a strawberry. She quickly hopped off of him. "I didn't even realize...." she felt her head, and shook it, "What....happened?"

'So it IS the quirk. But what's the effect behind it?' Izuku thought to himself. He stood up, glad that no adult, especially All Might didn't pop in. And he was glad that a different All Might didn't pop up down there.

"I feel...different...." Ochaco felt her head, a faint blush still on her cheeks.

"Uraraka, do you remember anything from after the villain attack?"

"No, I don't know....I remember you about to get attacked, and then I jumped in front of you...that was it, well other than this dream?"

"A dream? What was it?"

Before she could continue, Recovery Girl and Pro Hero Present Mic stepped into the office.

"Ah, she's awake? That's a good thing, hopefully not by this young one here."

Both of them remembered the events that happened a few moments ago and looked at each other. They turned away and blushed slightly.

"No ma'am."

"Nothing happened at all."

Recovery Girl squinted her eyes at the two students. "Mhmm...well, regardless, Eraserhead requested to see the both of you. The rest of your class went towards the dorm, he wants to speak to you in a conference room. Present Mic will be escorting you there."

"ALLLRRRIGHTT!" Present Mic screeched, causing Ochaco to flinch and grab her head in pain. Izuku grabbed her shoulders, helping her steady herself.  Recovery Girl smacked Present Mic in the stomach with her clipboard.

"Now you know better than that, she hasn't fully healed yet!"

Present Mic apologized, surprisingly, in an inside voice. "Sorry. Alright...let's get going you two!"

Izuku let go of her shoulders once she was back on her feet completely. 'I was really close to her just now...'

Uraraka quickly followed after Present Mic, who was already walking out into the hallway.
'Deku was so close! Remember Ochaco, you can't focus on these feelings!'

Are you sure that's what you want?

She stopped, looking around her.

"Everything okay?" Izuku walked up beside her , concern on his face.

"Y-yeah, it's n-nothing. Let's go!" She continued walking down the hallway while Izuku watched her from behind.

'She's a terrible liar.'


Aizawa grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. When he took a seat, he started rubbing his temples. Usually, he took a nap by now to prepare for hero work during the nighttime, but he was too concerned to allow himself to rest right now.

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