Shut Up And Kiss Me...

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Imagine dreaming of a Yandere girl to put a knife to your throat, definitely not me, haha...ha...

"Where is she?" He ran through the halls, cutting corners and dodging people. Someone stuck their foot and clipped him, but his quick reflexes had him tuck and roll on his feet. He heard their snickers, but he kept running.

"No running in the halls!" Ectoplasm yelled at him, and he threw a half-hearted apology over his shoulder. He reached the entrance, glancing around him. The wind had picked up, he felt the slight breeze alongside the sunny rays beaming on the campus. 'This weather is more bipolar than her quirk, where could she be?' He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. His hair ruffled from wind, leaves scattering around him. He closed his eyes to think, recalling the conversation he had with Koichi...

"The Crawler!"

Izuku's jaw dropped, seeing a vigilante for the first time. Before he could speak, sirens could be heard in the distant. "Let's go kid, do you need any help?" Izuku picked Ochaco up bridal style, activating his quirk.

"Thank you, but I'm fine." He felt her stir in her sleep, forehead slick with sweat. He placed the back of his palm on her head. "She's burning up, do you guys know a safe location?"

"Of course we do kiddo! We know the streets inside and out. Your teacher picked us because we're the best!"

The pink haired woman rolled her eyes. Or rather, eye, one was covered up with an eyepatch. "That's highly debatable, but let's get out of here." They dashed down the alleyways, the girl sending instructions while hopping from the rooftops, while The Crawler zigzagged at quick speeds. Even at 20%, Izuku had a hard time keeping up.

They reached a tiny hotel, far way from the crime scene. The Crawler had a quick discussion with the Manager, who resembled a giant Praying Mantis. Soon, they were safe in the room. He laid her down and rushed to the bathroom, coming back with a wet towel and kept dabbing her forehead. She wasn't as hot as before, her body seems to be reacting at a much better pace.

"There you go, it's going to be alright. I'm here for you." Almost subconsciously, Ochaco leaned into his hand, making him smile.

"You care about her a lot, don't you kid?" Izuku nearly forgot about his saviors, he placed the blanket around Ochaco and went to thank them.

"I do, she means the world to me, and thank you for helping us. Also, is that the limited edition Naruhata Hoodie?"

"It is, I see you're a man of culture yourself. Pop actually got this for our wedding anniversary." Kazuho blushed and turned away, scratching at her eyepatch as she mumbled to herself. "So Aizawa gave us some details, but what happened?"

Izuku gave a quick summary, getting comfortable by taking off his equipment. The two vigilantes listened carefully, throwing in a few questions and affirmations.

"Wow, seems like you have no idea how to love." Pop Step elbowed The Crawler, who held his gut in agony. "Like you're one to talk, Koichi. He has a point however, you may understand better now, but what steps are you going to take next?"

Izuku wondered the same, everything was moving so fast, he couldn't process it all. He couldn't ignore the fact that yes, he should have been more responsible. But no matter what happened, he didn't regret anything with Ochaco. He enjoyed every moment they spent together, the passion within their kisses, the warmth from her cuddles, the silent awkwardness to lust from sharing a Pocky, he loved every minute of it.

He loved her.

Koichi could tell. "Here's a piece of advice, but take it with a grain of salt. For a long time, I was ignorant, not to my duties in the streets, or to my training. I was ignorant to Pop." The man smiled sadly, understanding resonating in his pupils. "We had spent years together, and I was blind, too blind to realize that I knew absolutely little about her. The emotions she often hides behind her punches, the devotion she had ever since we fought together." He looked at her fondly, and she beamed back.

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