(FTO) Soulmate

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Jericho x David (I don't see enough of these.)

Type: Angst and Soulmate AU

Warnings: Eh.


Everyone had a soulmate, or rather they had. People started rejecting their soulmates, nobody knew how it started. But soon everyone rejected their soulmate, it was said that being born with a soulmate meant you were cursed. That made everyone who had a soulmate mark had theirs, including Jericho.

That was one of the reasons he started flirting with everyone, to hide that truly.. He wanted a soulmate, someone who would always be there for him. But he was scared, everyone in his village hated them. So when he came to Atlantide it felt like a weight was being took of his shoulder.

Yet... He still flirted with everyone he found, he didn't know why. But it just came to him like a second language, maybe he was trying to find his one that way. Though it always seemed that the soulmate thought was far away

Unlike Jericho, David hide his mark. He always made sure not to get his skin wet, and whenever he went on a mission he brought lots of concealer. The mark took up the majority of his back, making hard to hide. Which is why the only person who knew was Lucas. It was an embarrassing story, one David didn't want to tell.

When he managed to see Jericho's mark for the first time. Tears began to fall, Jericho tried to get him calm down. Yet nothing seemed to work, until Lucas came running in. After seeing the mark, he told Jericho to leave. Reluctantly Jericho left, not without sparing one last glance at David.

David didn't even know why he broke down, just something in his mind told him that Jericho would never be happy. He'd never be able to have a Soulmate.. All because of David's stupid fear, it was one of the reasons he began to turn Aromantic.

He was capable of love, yet he didn't want it. He wanted his soulmate, yet he was scared..

The next time he saw Jericho, he tried his best not to be spotted. Yet he always seemed to be able to see him, maybe it was something to do with his soulmate instincts. Jericho had asked him questions, making David feel something in his stomach flutter. He quickly squashed it down, yet it always seemed to come back.

It felt stupid complaining to Lucas about Jericho, about his soulmate. The words caused flutters in stomach. They always did, yet David always squashed the feeling for the reason as Soulmates were cursed. If Jericho wasn't his soulmate, he may have considered him. But God had to hurt him.

Lucas had laughed, but also had pity in his eyes. Lucas was another who had a soulmate mark, yet he wore it with pride. Something David wished he could do, but his father's words always came back to him. Making him quickly squash that feeling down as well. It hurt.

Another time he saw Jericho, they were training. It was nice out, causing Jericho to sweat in his layers of clothes. So, he of course, took of his shirt. Making David see the mark again, causing a damper in his mood. Yet another feeling began to bubble up, again, he squashed it down.


Jericho never seemed to understand David, his mood always seemed to damper once his eyes found their way to his soulmate mark. It confused Jericho, yet he didn't question it. Not wanting David to break down again. So he kept another unanswered question down.

The next time they talked, Jericho noticed how he was drawn to him. It unnerved him, more unanswered questions building up. He wanted to asked them, yet something kept them down. So he kept them down, it's almost as if the fates were messing with them

Talking with Allomus helped him gain more answers, some which confused him. But also made him happier, Allomus had been the one to figure everything out. Jericho immediately felt happy, yet something made him question another thing. One thing he didn't want to question.

What if he didn't want a soulmate..? It hurt Jericho. But he shoved it down.


Yet everything comes up, no matter how hard you try.

"I LOVE YOU!" The words were out before Jericho could stop them, David felt tears building up.

He knew it would hurt, "I can't.." That was the last time... The world came crashing down, Jericho was suffocating. His soulmate left him, he heard tells of the pain. He never thought it would hurt this much.

He looked up, he felt as if his heart was torn in two.


A/N: I honestly don't know what this is, it's horrible that's all I suppose.. I love this ship alot, and I found a prompt and just had to do this ship.. Yet.. It turned out like this.

⚠️If there is any spelling mistakes I didn't proof read it.⚠️ 

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