(OoO S1) A thing called Soulmates

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A/N: Seductive Rose isn't a thing.

Austin had always been in love with Bri, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. But, he always felt as if he was missing something. And he might have just figured out what it was..

Awhile earlier..

Austin was happily skipping around camp, looking for a certain pink haired demigod. He soon came to a stop at Bri's cabin door, he raised his fist to knock but stopped. He heard yelling inside the cabin, he knew it was rude to listen in. But nobody could stop him, he put his ear to the door and listened.

"Bri! You knew he was mine!" The voice was most definitely Bryan's, Austin was confused. Who were they talking about?

"He doesn't love you Bryan! Get over it!" That was Bri, she sounded harsh. It didn't seem like Bri at all.

"I-.. Can't believe you..." Austin heard footsteps coming towards the door, he quickly shot his head up. He backed up and walked onto the path.

"Bryan! Wait!" The door bust opened, Bryan looked to be on the verge of tears, While Bri looked guilty. It seemed they hadn't noticed him yet, as they kept going on with their conversation.

"What!? Do you have more insults to throw at me!?" Bryan said, turning around to look at Bri again. Bri looked down. "Oh.. You have nothing to say, funny seemed you were fine throwing insults at me before!" Bri looked up, her eyes held anger. 

"I can't help if someone likes me and not you! Maybe if you change your attitude, he might like you more!" Bri growled out, Bryan still looked angry as he still held his gaze.

"I know that! But you don't have to lead him on! Austin's my chosen one! It's not my fault mom didn't give you one, it doesn't mean you can go steal mine!" Bryan shouted, his hands were still in fist as he shook with rage.

Austin's eyes went wide as he let out a loud gasp, Bryan and Bri turned and noticed him. They looked calmer, well Bryan looked shocked. "Uhm... I-.. I think imma go... " and on that note Austin ran off, igoring the yells of his name.


That brings us back to current time, Austin was sitting in his cabin, hugging Fred as he paced back in forth. "Fred! What do I do!? Chosen one?! What does that even mean!?" Austin exclaimed as he talked to he stuffed friend, then a lightbulb went off. He should talk to Michael! He knew everything!

He ran out his cabin and off to Michael's, he came to a stop outside of Michael's cabin as he caught his breath. He knocked on the door, and not even a second later the door opened to reveal Michael. "Mama Bear!" Austin exclaimed, hugging Michael.

"Austin.. What's up?" Michael said, trying to wiggle his way out of Austin's hold.

"Oh yeah! Uhm.. So I want to know what a Chosen one is.. In terms of Aphrodite.. " Austin said letting go of Michael, he walked inside of Michael's cabin as Michael closed the door.

"Why would you want to know that? A chosen one is like a soulmate..if you reject them you hurt both of you.. " Michael sat next to Austin on the bed, Austin's eyes went wide. He looked at Michael.

"W-what.. Bryan's my soulmate!?" Austin somewhat screamed. Michael just looked confused as Austin started pacing the room. "Bryan's my soulmate?.. What!? But I've never even had feelings for him before.. "He shook Michael's shoulders, Michael brushed his hands off..

"Bryan's your soulmate.. How'd you find that out..?"

"I found out when I heard Bryan and Bri arguing about it. But I've never had feelings for Bryan!? Shouldn't you have feelings for your soulmate!?" Austin started fiddling with the necklace Bri gave him, Michael looked at the necklace. He grabbed it and yanked it off.

"Hey! Give it bac-" Austin felt odd, he felt feelings he never felt before come to him. It was overwhelming, everything blacked out.

Bryan's POV

Bryan felt hurt as his soulmate ran off, Bri looked at him and went inside her cabin and slammed the door shut. "Fine Bri! Don't help! Not like I need it anyways!" Bryan shouted then walked off.

He played with fingers as he thought of Austin, he knew Austin would need time to progress everything so he didn't run after him. He found out Austin was his Chosen one the moment he saw him, Bryan sighed dreamily. You could call it love at first sight, he felt hurt when Austin fell for his sister. His sister didn't even care, she used him. Bryan felt angered at that, his precious Chosen one didn't deserve that treatment.

Bryan had swore that nothing bad would ever happen to him, he shook his head to clear hid thoughts as he came to a stop at his and Jakey's shared cabin. He walked in and laid on his bed, 'Jakey was probably out with Brandeen or something like that' Bryan thought, Bryan never really loved Jakey. And Jakey knew that, people might call him heartless for leading on the poor ice demigod
But, if that's what he had to face then some be it. Jakey never really loved him either, so it was fair in a way.

A knock at the door broke him out of his thoughts, he sighed and opened the door. "Jakey's not here so you can leave-" His words were cut off as he saw his precious Chosen one unconscious in Michael's arms.

"Well isn't it great I don't want Jake! Now help me!" Michael exclaimed, Bryan quickly picked up Austin. He set him on his bed, then he stood and looked at Michael.

"What happened to him?" Bryan asked, Michael held out a necklace. Bryan's eyes widened, he didn't know Bri had given his Chosen one a love necklace. New found anger risen inside of him, he almost wanted to go give her a lesson now. But then he remembered Austin, he turned and looked at him. He sat down next to him and barely noticed the door closing as Michael left.

"I'm sorry Austin.. I should've figured.. " Bryan pushed some hair out of Austin's face, he smiled softly and got up. He would just have to wait for Austin to wake up.

"Eh... Wh-where am I?" Bryan quickly turned around to be met with his Chosen's one shocking blue eyes. "Bry-bryan..?"He stuttered out.

"Yeah.. It's me.. how are you..?" Austin looked down, then quickly looked up. He pulled Bryan's face close to him. Then kissed him, their lips molded together as Austin wrapped his arms around Bryan's neck, pulling him closer. Air began to lack as they continued kissing until they were forced to pull apart.

"I've been better." Austin panted out, while Bryan chuckled weakly.

Atleast Bryan knew that Austin accepted him.. Even if it was just the bond for now, hopefully they could learn to love.. But for now.. Bryan had a sister to go deal with.

A/N: Dang, this crackship got me feeling things.. This was around 1k+ words... Interesting..  Anywho, don't ask why I ship this a little. Onto another topic, does anyone have an Christmas special ideas? I want to do it in either Origins of Olympus season 1 or season 2. So any ideas for that, or ships? I might be inactive for awhile because of school but I'll be try to post when I have time! See y'all in the next one! Bah bye!

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