(FTO) First Date Worries

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Devin x Ritchie

Type: Fluff, First date worries.

Warnings: Uh none I can think of.

"Ready?" Devin nodded sightly, his heart beating. "Y-Yeah, I'll be out in a minute..." The person outside hummed, letting Devin do his thing. Now you might be wonder what's happening, awhile ago Ritchie had asked Devin on a date, making Devin scramble for an outfit, so he asked Michael to help him. And that brings us here, Devin was, of course, nervous as he kept messing with his sleeves. Devin bit his lip, abusing it as he gripped the door handle.

Devin walked out, making Michael look up, the Shadow mage smiled, giving Devin hope. "H-How do I look?" Michael rolled his eyes, putting down his book that he was previously gripping. "I don't understand why you are so worried, have you not realized that Ritchie loves you alot?" Devin looked down, his interest suddenly on his sleeves again. "I-.. I just don't want him to realize that.. I'm a horrible person.." Michael sighed, getting up as he walked towards Devin. "You're not a horrible person, you're one of the best people I know." Devin looked up sightly, almost smiling.

"You just think that because you never talked with the right crowd." Michael laughed, letting go of Devin's shoulders, walking back to his book. Michael grabbed his book, looking back at Devin. "Let's get going Lover boy." Devin rolled his eyes, letting out a quiet chuckle. "Fuck you." Michael laughed, it felt like they were back in the old times. No Eden, no nothing. It was nice.


Ritchie bit his lip, pacing back in forth in front of Devin's house. "R-Ritchie?" Ritchie's head snapped up, his eyes widened as he blushed. Devin wore a dark red undershirt, with a black suit on. Ritchie wringed his fingers together, he had never felt this nervous in his life, well expect for the time when he spiked his dad's drink when he was five but that's another topic for another day. "You look amazing."Ritchie blurted, breaking the silence, Devin blushed, walking towards Ritchie.

"You don't look to bad yourself." Ritchie smiled, holding out a hand for Devin, the latter taking it graciously. "Where to?" Devin asked, looking at Ritchie. "Oh you'll find out." Devin smiled, he was worrying for nothing. He knew he was never going to forget this, this feeling of love.

A/N: I'm going to be going to meet my Cousin for valentines tomorrow and I'm scared, because I don't think she's been taking the whole pandemic serious so yeah, she's also going to have her two friends there too so that doesn't make me feel better. Let's hope I get there early before her other friends and we can talk for awhile without her friends.

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