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Brock's pov

Terrorizer is facetiming you!



I stared at my computer screen for a lot longer than needed but eventually I answered.

Brian's face popped up on my screen and he immediately shined a smile my way making me blush but smile back.

"Sup." I spoke, not really knowing what to say considering Brian doesn't do this often.

"Nothin much, you?" He replies.

"Oh just chillin." I respond while leaning back in my chair and moving my hands behind my head. Brian chuckles, showing his straight white teeth.

"So real talk, why'd you call? Better yet why did you facetime me?" I question. Brian's face turns serious making me sit up straight.

"About earlier in the chat, when you brought up the fact that Tyler still cares about Craig; I feel like there was more that you wanted to say but they weren't letting you, so I've brought it upon myself to better understand what you were trying to say. And I facetimed you because I miss seeing your handsome face." He grinned at the end making me blush as I turn away from the screen. I heard his laugh ring out in my small recording room and I look back at him and smile.

"Well you know how Craig and Jaren have always been at each other's backs?" I said, Brian hummed in response.

"What if Craig and Tyler never actually broke up?" At that Brian's eyes went wide.

"That's impossible though, Tyler's dating John and Jaren." Brian argued.

"Yeah, because they think Tyler isn't talking to Craig anymore so he could either find something out about Jaren and John or is undercover." I replied. Brian looked mildly confused right now and it was hard not to laugh.

"We can't tell anyone about this, k?" I giggled at the sudden change in Brian's voice.

"Okay babe."

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