
265 21 15

Tim Hortons is better then StarBucks

Lazybones: Why was Craig there? I feel like someone here is hiding something 😡

CrazyBitch: I'm with Ev, someone better speak up.

Moo: Why don't you guys invite Tyler to the group-chat and let him explain?

Terrorizer: Brock where even are you?

Moo: What do you mean?

Terrorizer: Uh well let's start with YOU'RE NOT HERE WITH ME!

BitchBoi: Wow what's gonna on between you two?


PotatoBitch: Lui stfu and let them fight.

Moo: Don't worry about it Brian, I'm helping an old friend of mine.

Terrorizer: Promise you aren't lying?

Moo: Promise.

Moo: Now someone add Tyler.

Lazybones: K

Lazybones added Tyler💗 to the chat.

Tyler💗: Why hello friends👐

CrazyBitch: Ty we got a question.

Tyler💗: What is it?

Lazybones: Why the fuck was that bitch there?

Tyler💗: One he's not a bitch he's my best friend. And two because I invited him.

Black🖤: WHAT?!

BitchBoi: Did someone take your phone? Why would you do that?

Tyler💗: Because you guys don't understand what actually happened.

CrazyBitch: Wait what do you mean?

Tyler💗: He never wanted to hurt us, or me for that matter. Sammy made him.

BitchBoi: woah woah what?

Tyler💗: You saw the text.

Lazybones: Please explain more.

Tyler💗: I feel like it should come from Craig, not me. As it is not my information to give out.

Terrorizer: But like, you kinda already gave out most of the information?

Lazybones: Yes very good point Brian.

Moo: Maybe Craig should be the one to explain this, Tyler will you add him?

Tyler💗: Gladly.

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