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Vanoss has created a chat!

Vanoss named the chat The Three Musketeers

Delirious has been added to the chat

Tyler💗 has been added to the chat

The Three Musketeers

Delirious: I like the name :)

Vanoss: thank you:)

Tyler💗: why was this chat made exactly?

Vanoss: because we seem to be the only people who actually have a Brain.

Delirious: hahahhahahaha😂

Tyler💗: he's not wrong

Vanoss: exactly

Vanoss has changed Delirious's username to CrazyBitch

CrazyBitch: bish wtf?

Vanoss: it's the truth. Babe;)

Tyler💗: what did I miss here? You two dating?

Vanoss: maybe...

CrazyBitch has changed Vanoss's username to LazyBitch.

LazyBitch: Okay wtf Del?

CrazyBitch: one, that's what you get for changing my username to CrazyBitch. And Two because the whole time we were at your house all you did was sit around. Actually no wait!

CrazyBitch has changed LazyBitch's username to Lazybones.

CrazyBitch: now that's more like it:)

Lazybones: you little fucker

Tyler💗: you guys are to cute

CrazyBitch: why thank you:)

Lazybones: should we tell the others?

CrazyBitch: what do you mean? Who?

Lazybones: like the main chat, the one with Craig.

CrazyBitch: sure!

Tim Hortons is better then StarBucks

Lazybones: guys we have something to tell you...

Mini: who's we?

CrazyBitch: we're together...

Suni-Dey: who? You guys changed your usernames.

Lazybones: I'm Evan, CrazyBitch is Del.

Moo: aw ^^^^ I'm so happy for you guys

Terrorizer: yeah! You guys deserve the best

Black🖤: yea hope you two are happy together

Suni-Dey: yeah, even though you guys don't rlly like me.

Mini: don't let them bother you beautiful;)

BitchBoi🥵: obviously Craig and Sammy are the better couple

Tyler💗: bish stfu

BitchBoi🥵: no u 👏

Lazybones: okay everyone calm down! We can't start auguring with each other every-time we try to talk together in this stupid chat.

CrazyBitch: Evan's right guys, we used to be all cool until shit went down. What happened to us?

Mini: I'll tell you what happened. Tyler happened.

Tyler💗 has left the chat.

Mini: maybe we can finally start liking each other again:)

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