Revealed (10)

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Harry's P.O.V.

I told everyone I thought it was time for a story. It was about time questions be answered. Besides Rob, I was the only one who could answer the questions that were piling up.

"C'mon everybody, you Should sit down..." I said motioning to the big couch.

"And please save any questions for after the story." I added.
I took a deep breath, getting ready to uncover a secret that was drilled into me to never tell anyone.

"Okay, here goes."

"I know Rob because, well, he's kind of my uncle." I paused for their reaction. Everyone gasped and looked at each other.

"Let me explain. He used to be a great guy. The family loved him. I always looked up to him." I shook my head the sad feelings already bubbling up. I smiled to cover it up and looked back up at the curious faces.

"One night, One Direction's very first concert actually, Rob got in a car accident on his way over to support me. It kind of messed with his brain and the doctors said that they weren't sure how it would affect him. They said he might be dangerous and to keep an eye on him, but we didn't believe them. We didn't listen to them because he was always so nice and funny, a really great guy." I sniffed but I knew I couldn't cover up my tears much longer. I was uncovering a secret that I was never allowed to talk about and the feelings were just so fresh.

"Of course," I continued, "They didn't know for sure and they thought maybe he would be okay but it was so hard to tell. When he was stable he acted fine so they let him home with a caution. He started acting really weird and said things that didn't make sense. His wife, my Aunt, said that he had started acting dangerous even."

"His wife?" Lydia mumbled suddenly deep in thought.

"Yeah, I'll get to that. So anyway he went a little crazy after the car accident and so they sent him off to a psych ward. They said it was temporary and not serious, only that they wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he would be safe. He acted really healthy and they let him go. But my Aunt divorced him one day. And he...." A tear escaped and I knew that was just the beginning of the waterfall that was about to happen. I was never good at hiding my emotions, I always would say I had my heart out on my sleeve. And it was true.

"It's Okay Harry..." Liam said reaching out and patting my back. I waved him away and wiped away the tears so I could continue the story.

"He killed her. He killed my Aunt." I said, my voice cracking.

Everyone piled around me with hugs and I couldn't help but let out the sobs I had been holding in for so long.

"I was never allowed to talk about this, my family worried about what would happen with the media and how it would ruin my chance at this, and they didn't want the paparazzi to harass my uncle, Rob." I explained.

I glanced up to see Lydia with tears in her eyes too, just standing there awkwardly as everyone else was still hugging me. What have I done? I really liked Lydia. A lot. But how could she like me after she knew this. Now she knew that it was my uncle who did this to her and she would never be able to think of me or look at me the same way. I wanted to be able to be there for her and comfort her at a horrible time like this, but whenever I did anything now she would only be able to think of Rob.

"But that still doesn't explain..." Lydia spoke up. "Why me?"

She went over to the beds and climbed up on the top bunk and lay there with her head buried in a pillow. I needed to find a way to make this up to her. If I could make everything better than maybe She could like me again. I walked over to her hesitantly and climbed up a couple steps so I could reach her.

"I'm gonna find a way out." I whispered rubbing her back. "I'm gonna make this better." I said with a burst of determination. It was time to get our act together. This was one man, everybody has a weakness and we have to find a way out. For the boys, for Lydia's family. For Lydia.

"I promise."

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