Kidnapped (a one direction fanfiction)

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"Come on Lydia or We are going to be late!" My mother yelled at me from the living room/kitchen. we were staying at a hotel near where One Direction soon would be playing in concert. It was just me my little sister and my mom. my dad talked himself out of it saying he could take the chance to earn some extra cash working the weekend but we all knew he just wanted to escape the boy band, fan girl, drama about to take place. "I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled back trying to jab Crystal dangly earrings in.

We were going to grab lunch at a restaurant conveniently located a couple blocks away from the stadium where 1D would be playing. I shoved one of those tooth brush things that didn't need toothpaste and a couple mints into my gold purse. I had on a little black dress with gold belt and black flats with golden studs that matched my headband. Earlier I had considered wearing these super cute golden heels but I could tell my feet would be killing me within no time.

My mom helped me with my makeup which was red lipstick and gold sparkly eyeshadow and black eyeliner, my hair was in a bun with a few curly strands framing my face. I felt like the most beautiful girl on earth as I strut to the door. "coming mother?" I asked diva-ishly. she laughed and walked towards me. "you look beautiful!" she said placing her hands on my shoulders lightly. My little sister autumn came running in wearing bright blue jeans and a aqua plaid shirt fully unbuttoned to reveal a one direction shirt. I smiled at her and couldn't believe she was already thirteen. they grow up so fast. "WOW! the gold really brings out the golden flecks in your eyes!' she shouted. "haha thanks. you're way over excited!" I laughed. truth was... I was just as excited as she was but I didn't want to release my fangirl just yet.

After I finished my meal I headed to the bathroom to "brush" my teeth and re-apply my lipstick. I popped a mint and we all headed out to the car. I let Autumn sit in the front and opened the door to hop in the back when an arm wrapped around my waist. I sucked in a deep breath which i was about to release as a scream when a wet cloth appeared over my mouth. I've read enough books and fanfics to know what happens next. I held my breath still but closed my eyes and slowly "fell" to the ground as soon as I did the hands released their grip on me and went the pick me up all the while my mother and sister screamed frantically. I suddenly opened my eyes and kicked the unfamiliar man where it counts wishing I had opted for the heels.

Kidnappers p.o.v.

Name: Lydia Ann Bohen

Family: dad-bill bohen

Mom- Mary bohen

Sister- autumn bohen.

I knew everything about the girl who giddily chattered away with her sister about seeing the famous boy-band one direction, I mean I should I've only followed her around for a few years now. it was now or never. I drowned the cloth in chloroform. and stalked towards my prey. she was so beautiful and I just knew we were meant to be together but I also knew it would never be allowed. I grabbed her just as she was about to get into a red mustang and put the cloth over her mouth. to my surprise she quickly fell to the ground... too quickly...

Before her mom could come out to help her beloved daughter I showed her my gun to let her know to back off. the younger girl, uhhh.... autumn, screamed full of terror and the mother screamed too as every good moms nightmare came true. her baby was being taken away and there was nothing she could do about it. suddenly I felt a sharp pain and looked down to see the girl fully alert and kicking me, screaming for someone's attention. this angered me greatly. I pointed the gun at her to make her shut up and dragged her towards me smacking her with the gun yet it didn't knock her out instead she tried to climb back in the car but I blocked her path and grabbed her arms. She stood there staring at me blankly for a few seconds as if she had no moves left then suddenly she flipped her arms around forcing me to let go and bolted into the crowd. this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. she was dead meat.

I took off after her.

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