His Lair (13)

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This was a lot to take in. So If I was correct Rob, Harry's uncle, was stalking and kidnapped me because I looked like his wife who he killed because he went a little crazy after a car accident on his way to One Direction's concert. The accident messed with his brain and he went to a mental hospital but got let out later when he started acting normal. Now here I was, with him in his living room trying to take all this in without freaking out too much. I had to keep my cool if I wanted to be able to carry out my plan and get me and the boys out of here tonight. My halfway thought out plan anyway. I didn't know what time I was going to free the boys from the basement, all I knew was I had to do it when Rob wasn't paying attention, which I didn't see happening anytime soon. Also, should I play along with his little idea of me actually being his wife or should I just remind him I'm Lydia, not Annabeth? I decided to just roll with it.

"Anna?" Rob asked standing to his feet and picking up the photo book I had knocked down when I abruptly stood.

"Uh, Yes.... Dear?" I cringed on the inside saying those words. Oh how I wished for the comfort of Liam. Or Harry. Tears swelled in the back of my throat at that last thought. Harry liked me, and I wanted to like him too, I used to, but nothing will be the same. It was all Rob's fault, it wasn't fair for him to come into my life and ruin it for no reason. I did nothing to him to deserve this and now I would never be able to look at Harry the same again.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just... I just remembered I wanted some tea." I muttered dodging into the kitchen. I brought the kettle over to the sink to fill it with water, thoughts dancing wildly in my head. Rob came over and wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"I could've gotten it for you." He smiled.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to kick. I wanted to run. But I stood there stiffly, and breathing heavily at his unwanted embrace.

"Nonsense. I'm not helpless." I stated moving to the stove, glad to be free of his grip.

"It's getting late. I should make some food for Harry and his friends." Rob said happy as ever. By now Harry had explained my plan to everyone, and I hoped they wouldn't somehow screw it up.

After Rob brought some food down to the boys we sat in front of the fireplace with our tea. I sipped it cautiously thinking of what the rest of the night would bring. It was getting late. It was already dark outside and I still didn't have a clue when I was going to get the boys out of the basement and run for the hills. Then it hit me. What if I had to wait until he was sleeping? If he thought I was his wife that would mean he would expect me to sleep next to him and there was no way on earth I could handle that. I slowly started to hyperventilate just thinking about it. I've been through too much trauma in a short time I knew inside I would break if I had to go through something so big.

Rob yawned.

"It's getting a little late don't you think?" He asked. I wished I had had something to put in his tea earlier to make him all the more sleepy.

"Why don't you head up? I'll clean up a little down here and meet you up there." I smiled hopeful. He glanced around.

"What needs to be cleaned?" He asked. Crap. Why did he have to keep this place so clean gosh darn it!

"Well, I need to wash our mugs and the kettle... And I should probably get the boys empty plates and what not too." I said.

"Oh, I'll help you wash dishes. And hunny, I don't want you to go down there to the boys by any means." He said getting a tight grip on my wrist and staring menacingly at me.

"oh, o-of course." I stuttered. He went right back to his happy self getting up to wash his mug. I tried to calm my shaking hands. This wasn't going so well. I slowly got up and shuffled to the kitchen washing my mug and the kettle.

"Ready for bed darling?" Rob asked. I didn't answer. I didn't even move. all I could do was stare blankly at the staircase in the living room.

"Dear? You seem ill. I think you really need a good night's rest, come on." He gently grabbed my hand pulling me toward the staircase. I tried to give myself a pep-talk. It wasn't that bad, once he fell asleep I would just come down and free them. But my gut was telling me something bad was going to happen. I payed close attention to which stairs creaked so I could remember on my way down. I remembered where to step in the hall so no squeaks would be heard and I took note of how his door creaked when closed but was silent when opened. I was led into his lair. It smelt of pine and his cologne. a huge bed with gorgeous woodwork was center attention. he walked into a huge master bedroom bathroom with two sinks, and a whirlpool bathtub that looked more like a jacuzzi and could easily fit four people. There as a slim T.V. attached to the wall next to it and speakers made up the rest of the wall. Everything was very neat and slick. I almost laughed at the thought of defeating him by trashing his house.

"Ready for bed?" He asked walking out with sweatpants on. There was a long scar starting from his chest that went diagonally to his bellybutton.

He took me by surprise, lifting me up and dropping me onto the bed next to him. He chuckled brushed the hair out of my face.

"you'r still dressed." He said.

"Oh, uh. My P.J.'s are dirty." I said quickly.

"You want to borrow some of mine?" He asked.

"No I-" but before I could finish he was already up and grabbing some from his drawer. I took his clothes and went into the bathroom. I grumbled as I quickly changed into hi sweatpants and baggy T-shirt.

"Okay, time for bed." I said plastering on a fake smile as I crawled back to the edge of the bed farthest from him. I wanted to get this done as quickly as possible.

"Well, you'r eager to go to bed." Rob laughed. yes. yes I am, I thought to myself. I just smiled and climbed under the covers, staying as close to the edge as possible. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled backwards and my breath caught in my throat. Rob's arm has hooked firmly around my waist and he nuzzled his face into my shoulder. He pulled me closer and I could feel the heat from his body against me. I tried to control my shaky breathing but I was starting to freak out. How was I supposed to get out of here without waking him up?! I felt defeated already and wanted to just give up but I knew that wasn't an option. People were counting on me and I was counting on me. I wouldn't be able to take this much longer.His hand slid gently under the bottom of my shirt and rested on my stomach.

"I love you." He sleepily whispered. I was shaking from silently crying.

"Are you cold?" He asked peeping one eye open. I just shook my head yes to avoid further questioning. He pulled the blankets up to my neck and cuddled even closer than before. I felt like I would explode any second. Soon though his breathing became slower and his grip became more relaxed. Now, how was I supposed to get out of here?

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