Home (8)

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Liam's P.O.V.

We all sat squished into his small silver car. There was one seat less of what we needed, so after pleading with this Rob guy, Lydia now was sitting on my lap instead of in the back of his trunk. For some reason Rob had insisted on Harry sitting up front with him so Niall and Zayn were next to me. there were three seats in back and three seats in front and Louis was sitting next to Harry but Rob made no point of making Louis sit there. The whole ride Harry had been sitting there with a furrowed brow as if he was some big crime solver but was suddenly having trouble with this one crime. Lydia was curled up, silently crying on my lap. Even when she cried she was pretty. It was sad seeing such an innocent fun loving girl go through something like this and I just wished I could stop it. I wished I could change the world for her and take back everything bad that has happened. All I wanted was for everything to go back to normal. I liked Lydia, she was a really nice girl and fun to be around, but I wish we could have met on different terms. Going through this has brought us all closer I'll admit, and if I can't take it back then I'm glad that we were able to become that much greater of friends with each other and Lydia... But I just hope we can make it out of here okay. All of us.

"We're here! Home sweet home. I can't wait for you guys to start living here." Rob said excitedly with a large smile spread on his face.

He opened the back door to expose a large Victorian style house surrounded by woods. Wild colorful flowers dotted the Moss woods floor and birds sang cheerily soaring through leafy branches in this beautiful spring day. The houses paint was in perfect shape and was colored a calming light blue, almost white, and there was even a garden in front of a beautiful porch. It looked like a story book jumped to life right before your eyes. It would all be very enchanting if we weren't being forced to live here with this psychopath.

"So, what do you think?" Rob asked with that same grin on his face.

Before Louis could give some smart alack remark and get us all killed I quickly spoke up.

"It's beautiful." I smiled gritting my teeth. If there was anything I learned from television, It's that if you get kidnapped or something along those lines, you play along and gain their trust so you can overpower them in a sneak attack and escape. Then again it was T.V...

Rob clasped his hands together like a business man who was about to give a winning speech.

"I just wanted to let you all know that if you try to escape I will hunt you down. And you will WISH I killed you."

Then he just smiled and led us inside like a lamb to a slaughter house. Harry was still acting strange and barely took his eyes off Rob. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something was off. Maybe this was just the way he reacted to being kidnapped, But it looked like he was about to burst from the inside, Trying to solve some puzzle that had all the wrong pieces. Through the living room, past a bathroom and into a kitchen we went. Rob opened a door on the side of a staircase. If you didn't know it was there you would never have been able to see it. We were ushered down into a finished basement. Large bunk beds lined one wall with a mini staircase in between them. His whole house had a earthy yet sophisticated feel to it. Fancy lights poked out of the wall next to the door and a chandelier made from wood hung in the center. A fridge, couch, bookshelf, radio, CD rack. The place was well furnished and thought out but had seemingly no way of escape either. There was things to entertain ourselves with, a place to sleep and a fully stocked mini fridge and cupboards. Unfortunately there were no utensils except plastic spoons and forks still in the package.

"I'm going to take Lydia upstairs for a quick chat. You boys make yourselves comfortable and don't try anything. We wouldn't want little Lydia here getting hurt would we?" Rob smiled evilly.

Man I hated that guy right now.

"Uh, sir?" Zayn asked uncertainly, "What about a bathroom..." I almost laughed at his awkwardness.

Rob just pointed to a door on the far wall and snaked an arm around Lydia's waist leading her back up the stairs. I wanted to race after her but tried to keep myself calm. if we were ever getting out of here we needed a clear mind and focus. I sat on the brown leather couch to think as Zayn bolted to the bathroom. Now that I think of it, it was a long car ride and I had to go too. Harry was splayed across one of the beds staring at the bottom of the one above him with that same expression he has had the whole time. Niall and Louis were having a soda at the mini island and chatting about everything that had just happened. Groaning, I threw my head back in frustration at my blank mind. Suddenly my thoughts wandered to Lydia and what she might be going through right now.

Muffled screams and a loud crash like glass shattering caught everyone's attention. Stomping footsteps neared the door and a click was heard as the door was unlocked. A crying Lydia was shoved back inside with us and we were once again locked in our nice little prison. She slowly made her way down the steps and crawled into a corner sobbing.

"Aaaagh!" Zayn yelled in surprise seeing Lydia in the corner next to him when he opened the door to the bathroom.
"Oh, sorry love." He said sheepishly slinking away.

I think she just wanted her space so Zayn and I joined Niall and Louis at the island counter. But while we were busy talking, Harry had made his way over to her and I couldn't help but eavesdrop a little.

"We need to talk." Harry said.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." Lydia shot back.

"But Lydia... There's something I need to tell you. Something you should really know."

"Save it! I already figured it out. I know you helped him Harry. You helped Rob and you were in on it all along." She cried hugging her knees.

Her eyes met mine and I realized she had caught me in the act. I guess I wasn't very good at eavesdropping.

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