The Truth (9)

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Lydia's P.O.V.

"I'm going to take Lydia upstairs for a quick chat." Rob said, "You boys make yourselves comfortable and don't try anything. We wouldn't want little Lydia here getting hurt would we?"

Worry flooded me at what he was going to really do.

"Uh, sir?" Zayn asked uncomfortably "What about a bathroom?"

Rob just pointed to a door on the far wall and snaked an arm around my waist and led me back up the stairs. We went into to the living room and Rob motioned me to sit on the couch. I awkwardly sat down and stared at him. Rob just stared back at me with those stunning green eyes.

"Well?" I finally broke the silence, "What did you bring me up here for?"

"Your so beautiful..." He said reaching a hand out to my face.
He let his hand fall back to his side but never dropped his gaze.

"I hope you will accept that this is your new home. And the boys too. I'm sure Harry will already feel comfortable." He chuckled smiling to himself.

He started to pace as he talked, rubbing his hands together and glancing my way every once in a while.

"What do you mean?" I asked catching what he said.
He gave me a puzzled look.
"About Harry..." I added.

"Oh!" he laughed, "Right, well lets just say Harry and I know each other from a while back. I'm guessing he hasn't told you yet then?" He asked.

"Told me what?" I questioned quietly, my mind racing.

"About how we know each other. That poor guy is probably flooded with guilt now. I've seen the way he looks at you. He reminds me of... Me... and my wife..." Rob said adopting a more serious expression. He started pacing again.

My mind felt like a pile of mush. all this new information was being thrown at me so suddenly I didn't know which piece to grasp first. Rob was saying all these things but nothing made sense.

"A wife." I mumbled to myself trying to piece everything together. How did Harry know him?

"Never mind that!" Rob yelled getting irritated. He didn't like talking about his wife apparently.

"Harry... He..."

"Likes you. A lot." Rob smiled.
"Just like me." He grabbed my hands pulling me off the couch and into his arms.
"We're going to be so happy together." He mumbled into my hair with a sigh. Tears started to stream down my face and I tried to push him away.

Realization hit me hard when everything he said clicked into place. How would harry know Rob unless he was in on it. But how did he get to know Rob? What was this thing with a wife, was she in on it too? Harry liked me, I don't know why me, but for some reason he picked me, and he and Rob kidnapped me. The sad part was I liked Harry back, or at least I thought I did. Now I couldn't like him knowing what he had done. I still liked Liam and now more than ever. Something else that puzzled me was the way Rob seemed happy that Harry liked me but also seemed to like me himself, which disgusted me. I finally pushed Rob away, falling backwards onto the couch.

"We can never be a big happy family like you think we will!"I screamed at him jumping off the couch before he could try anything else.

"Yes we will, you just need time. I understand that! And after a while you will realize how happy you truly are. Your in Shock." Rob calmly tried to explain. I could hear a hint of frustration in his voice and saw what looked like desperation in his eyes. but I couldn't stop myself.

"No, Your in denial! You're... You're crazy!" I yelled back shoving my way past him. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" He screamed back and grabbed a vase from the coffee table and chucked it violently across the room just missing my head. Glass shattered all over the floor.

"Look what you've done." He grumbled in a monstrous voice.

Grabbing my arm once again he threw me back into the basement slamming and locking the door behind him. Crying, I made my way slowly down the stairs still in shock over what just happened. I crawled into the corner farthest from Harry and sobbed. it feels like that's all I've been doing lately, it was getting better until Rob showed up again and kidnapped us. And Harry. I thought I might have been falling in love with Harry but that was all jut part if his plan. He sickened me now but it hurt to know the guy I thought I liked was the reason I was here. It hurt a lot. I just wanted it to stop. I was glad I still had Liam. I liked him a lot too. I started leaning more towards Harry in my feelings gradually but know I figured it out. Saw his dark side a bit. Liam was always there for me an was so kind, without a selfish reason behind it. He really cared. Zayn yelled in surprise coming out of the bathroom but I just ignored him. All I could do was block everything else out and drown in my thoughts. Unfortunately Harry made his way over to me as all the other guys sat around drinking sodas. I just wanted to be left alone right now. Especially by him.

"We need to talk." Harry said.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." I shot back.

"But Lydia... There's something I need to tell you. Something you should really know."

"Save it! I already figured it out. I know you helped him Harry. You helped Rob and you were in on it all along." I cried hugging my knees.

Suddenly the room got quiet and I looked over to be met with Liam's eyes. He had been eavesdropping the whole time. He heard everything, in fact, I think they all did. But I was glad they knew. They deserve to know what kind of person Harry really is. When I looked back over at Harry I could tell he was in complete and utter shock. Good!

"What?!" He finally gasped, "Is that what... R-Rob told you?" He asked looking down.

"It doesn't matter what he told me. I know the truth now." I muttered.

"But Lydia, you have to understand-"
I cut him off.

"No Harry, YOU understand! Do you, or do you not know Rob?!" I shouted. The boys unknowingly leaned closer on the edge if their seats.
Harry hung his head, shaking it.

"Yes." He said.
"But Lydia,"

"No Harry. No more excuses."

"I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" Harry yelled getting aggravated that I wouldn't give him a chance to speak.

Liam rushed over and pulled Harry away looking scared that he was going to lash out. everyone else gathered around too.

"Boys," Harry said, "I think it's time for a story."

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