Chapter 7

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*Third Person pov*

Castiel walked through the Realm of Shadows quickly so he could speak to his brother. Worry was etched into his face and lightening flashed as he walked.

'Brother why the theatrics?' Lucifer smirked but it dropped when he saw the look on his brothers face. 'Is is Crystal? Is she okay?'

'You would know if you actually spoke to her' Castiel glared at his brother, filled with so much anger because of what's happening to his niece that he thinks of as a daughter.

Lucifer just raised his arms in surrender and walked closer to his brother.

'So what's wrong tell me now Castiel' Lucifer demanded, thunder booming in the background.

'Now who's doing the theatrics' Castiel smirked at his brother. 'She's met Riddle'

Lucifers face paled and he started pacing lightly.

'She can't be near him, it'll be too tempting' Lucifer muttered to himself as he paced worriedly.

'She is in a different time period to him but she keeps on seeing his form.' Castiel said worriedly and glared again at his brother. 'I expect it's the after mass of  having a child with the one and only Lilith Fern.'


*Kais pov*

We have been in this time period for two weeks now and I've still found nothing, it's killing me inside.

Newt approaches our table and I go back to looking at the books in front of me when I get a familiar aura.

I raise my head to find Riddle walking to the Slytherin table next to us. I concentrate on his magical aura and I can see the black swirls of his magical core but there's also a bright blue orb in the middle.

It's exactly like Crystals magic.

Maybe I can use him to get a connection to her.

'Kai?' Elijah questions as I slowly grin.

'We need Riddle' I say still staring at the dark wizard and everyone at our table groans.

'Seriously? That shank?' Newt asks growling a little and his fangs pop out.

'Dude you've got to control that' Jeremy shakes his head and Elijah frowns.

'I wonder if that's the final side effect of your mate bond with Crystal and if Minho is feeling it also' Elijah wonders and I roll my eyes a little at the suit enthusiast.

Why suits though? I get that they make you look smart but they're so uncomfortable.

Is there a deeper connection to it? Could it be a suit cult?

Ooh maybe-

'Kai' Jasper sniggers sensing my emotions and I shove him away jokily.

'I can get him to the room of requirement if you want' Newt shrugs and Noah finally stops eating, sniggering at him.

'You just want an excuse to injure him' the newbie laughs and I nod in agreement.

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