Chapter 6

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*Crystals pov*

I woke up to find myself in the room of requirement but it looked different...younger almost.

I frowned when I felt the bed was empty and I started to head towards the Great Hall, maybe everyone would be there?

I passed some of the house ghosts and they looked shocked to see me but I'm assuming it's just because of how I arrived yesterday.

I enter the Great Hall to find a table separate to the house tables, with some of my mates sitting at it.

I've finally found them, I've missed them so much despite the fact it's only been a day.

I race over to them over to accidentally charge into a body, we fall to the floor and I look down at the person curiously.

'Oh I'm sorry-' I frown when I recognise the person.

Tom Riddle.

That horrible monster!

'Tom Riddle' I snarl at him, my eye turning golden.

'And who are you?' He asks softly, his expression surprisingly soft.

I get off him disgusted and look over to my mates frowning when they don't seem to react to my presence.

Riddle grabs my arm and gently pulls me out of the Great Hall. Everyone gives him weird looks and I hear a couple of people mutter to themselves.

'What's Riddle doing?'

'Is he seeing things?'

I let him pull me out of the Hall but once we're in the corridor I shove him against a wall, my hand against his throat.

'What is it with people pinning me against walls?' He groans out, and I drop him surprised.

'What do you mean?' I growl at him and he smirks.

'So you're the lovely Crystal I've heard so much about' He says looking me up and down and I grimace.

I snap a bone in his arm by snapping my fingers and he cries out in pain.

'Answer the question' I snap at him and he still grins at me.

'I can feel your magic. It really is something I've never felt before. All that power but you know what's underneath? Darkness, I can feel so much darkness' He grins evilly and I step back a bit in horror. 'Don't tell me you don't feel it too? How you can feel yourself losing to the darkness and all that power'

No he's lying, I can't have that much darkness inside.

I won't believe him, I can't believe him.

'Stop it, stop lying' I growl quietly at him and he smiles even more.

'I tried to convince your mates to join me but maybe I just need you and you only. We could conquer the wizarding world then all the worlds beyond it' He says manically and I hate every word of it but I feel something deep inside of me, lurch up happily at the idea.

'Ah you feel it don't you? That little part of you that wants it.'

I bare my canines at him and he doesn't seem scared at all, in fact he seems pleased at my reaction. I snap his legs in half with a swish of my hand before everything goes black and I find myself in between Draco and George.

I sit up gasping and they instantly wake up.

'What's wrong?!' They ask simultaneously and I just shake my head in fear.

'Kol I need Kol' I whisper quietly putting my head in my hands.

'Draco go!' George says fiercely and he runs off with almost inhuman speed but I can deal with that later.

'What happened Crystal?' He asks so sweetly and I feel tears running down my face.

'Riddle...I saw my mates and then Riddle was there but he said...' I say shaking my head and I can't finish the sentence.

Kol comes rushing in and his face is pale.

'Bluebell? What is it?' He asks worriedly and I feel a twinge of guilt for making him rush here.

I just protect the memory onto him and at the end of it he looks guiltily at me.

I narrow my eyes at him and stand up angrily.

'What Kol?!' I snap a little, all guilt from earlier gone.

'I've bonded with Hermione-'

I snort loudly at this, interrupting him.

'Jesus didn't take you long did it?' I snigger a little, 'god help that girl'

'Anyway I've bonded with her and somehow my magic returned. It doesn't make sense I know but I think it's like how Newt and Minho gained some of your abilities despite not bonding with you yet. I think I had to bond with her first cuz she's not as powerful as you but she comes damn close.' He says with so much love and I'm so happy for him. But he has another mark and I'm thinking he should take a trip to New Orleans when we eventually go home.

'I can sense a darkness beneath your magic Crystal. He isn't lying' he tells me softly and I feel dread overcome my senses.

The ground starts shaking with my fear but Draco and George start reassuringly stroking my arms which calms me down a bit.

'Excuse me I need some air' I mutter before leaving the room.

I go outside and sit down by the black lake only to find Riddle appear next to me.

He's rather ghost like and pale as if he isn't quite here.

'So you know now huh?' He grins at me and I just glare at him.

'I wonder why this keeps on happening, I went to the library to have a look but no such luck' he frowns and I feel a spark of disappointment.

His form suddenly gets blown away and he screams a little in pain.

Stay away from him Little One.

Cass? I didn't think you'd be here this early.

Urgent times call for urgent measures.

You mean with Riddle?

Your magic and his magic are linked. You have to be careful otherwise you'll fall into the abyss. You have a very dark side to your magic because of-


Cass please, because of what?



Hope you liked this chapter.

I was just finishing writing the end of this chapter and Camp Rock came onto my Spotify. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂

Hope you guys are doing well!

Geeky_LittleBookworm xxx

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