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Okay so I had to sort out the age range for Draco and the Twins which meant I'd had to fiddle with the Hogwarts school years.

So the first year of Hogwarts starts when you are fourteen instead of eleven and the final year of Hogwarts is year five not seven.

I know it's confusing af but I needed to sort out the age gaps and I'm absolutely shit at maths so it's turned out really complicated.

So you start at Hogwarts when you're fourteen and end when your eighteen.

So this book is set during the order of the Phoenix which means that the twins are in their final fifth year and their eighteen already. Harry, Ron, Hermione etc are in their fourth year and are seventeen. It's also in February so Hagrid is back and Umbitch is quite far into her rein of terror.

For the sake of my sanity in working this out we are going to pretend that the last two books don't happen, this will be explained more later on because Crystal Waters is going to basically destroy how everything works in the books and end Harry's misery in his fifth year by helping him with Voldemort.

Book 1 happened in their first year and then book 2 doesn't happen and book 3 happened in their second year. Book four happened in their third year and book five is happening in their fourth year.

I'm SO sorry for how complicated I've made this, honestly I feel awful for making so damn complicated.

Please drop any comments if I've made this too complicated and you need me to explain anything.

Geeky_LittleBookworm xxx

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