Chapter Twelve

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First things first - Thank you to everyone for being so patient, I really appreciate your support. I will be replying to comments soon and getting back to my regular schedule. Also I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes, missing words and my usual atrocious grammar, my college have given me a laptop and I'm still getting used to it.

There will be a preview for the next book in the next chapter, I'm going to make the decision on what Avengers movie to do tonight and you'll find out in the next chapter :) 

*Newt's pov*

Crystal's father has let us take refugee in his dimension, easily transporting us there. Surprisingly Kol and Hermione stayed with us, Harry and Sirius insisting that they also come with us.

I'm not sure if we will come back from this though, my best friend sacrificed himself and we lost two others from our family.

Crystal is.....different. More affectionate but her personality is darker as if she will snap at any moment.

*Crystal's pov*

They're gone and it's my fault, if I had only just done the merge then everything would be okay.

I walk out of my room and down into my fathers club, wrinkling my nose at all the half naked girls, I spot dad with Cass not too far away and I narrow my eyes. I walk up to him and drag him upstairs internally sniggering slightly at how he doesn't say anything in complaint. '

'Tell me everything' I growl lightly as Newt, Klaus and Damon come into the room followed by Castiel.

Dad sits down sighing and I follow suit by sitting down opposite him.

'Your mother.....Is in fact called Lilith.....we used to date actually.....we had a night together eighteen years ago, and here you are. Your brother.... is a different story for another time.' He says quietly running a hand through his hair. 'Father didn't approve so he sent you to the most mundane world he could find and he banished Lilith there for eighteen year, hoping that by looking after you that she would gain some humanity back'

'And that definitely worked didn't it?' Newt growled slightly and I look up at him smiling slightly.

'Where are the others?' I ask quietly.

'Killing spree, Draco and the twins are exploring the muggle world with Enzo and Hermione' Newt says making me chuckle slightly before I turn back to my father.

'And you decided not to tell me? Thanks dad. My father is the Devil and my Mother is one of the most powerful demons ever, great as if my family couldn't get any more fucked up' I say tiredly as I run a hand through my hair, missing the smile on Castiel's face as my father and I's habits.

'What about the whole merging with Riddle?' Damon questions frowning and I nod my head slightly.

'There's a can't hear it right now but soon you will I promise. Just know that you can't be far from your mates, things.....may happen otherwise' Dad tells us frowning and I growl softly before blushing.

'Ah forgot you were a wolf little hybrid' Klaus grins at me and I roll my eyes.

'I didn't expect you to shift so early on.' Castiel muses slightly and I give him a small glare.

'How come nobodies told me about all these different species that I keep on suddenly becoming?' I say confused at what I really am, everything keeps on changing so suddenly.

'We don't know' Castiel admits. 'We thought the wolf might happen because of how you have canines but we don't know about any others. I never gave you those powers when you first arrived in Mystic Falls, I just unlocked them for already had them.'

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