~ Haunted Holiday ~

48 0 3

Game: Luigi's Mansion 3


"Santa doesn't visit the dead, does he?" was the first thing Kruller heard during his morning watch patrol. The deceased officer slowed his pace and leaned closer to the source of the sound; that being a door. He made sure not to slip through it.

Specifically, this door belonged to Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny, three ghost magicians who lived within the same ghost-exclusive hotel as Kruller, along with several others. Normally, they were reliable sources for entertainment, or any sort of wholesomeness within the mostly dreary walls.

But the childlike curiosity of the question made his undead heart hurt more than anything that had ever happened to him, alive or not.

"I don't think so, Ginny," said another one of the trio. "If he did, he would have been here last year."

"Yeah," the third child said. "Nobody ever talks about him visiting kids like us. He probably never will."

A sniffle came. "Yeah... you guys are right..."

Kruller almost dropped his flashlight as he rushed down the halls. He knew just who to go to.


"Did they really say that?" asked a beautiful, female ghost. Many of the hotel's residents were gathered in Kruller's office, listening to what he had observed.

"I'm afraid so, Serpci," said Kruller.

The Egyptian pharaoh shook her head. "I wish this day came much later than it did."

"So who's gonna be the one to break it to the last of 'em about Santa?" asked Clem, the hotel's ghost janitor. "Or are we gonna have to wait 'til tomorrow when there ain't no Christmas for 'em?"

"How can ye say such a thin'?" King MacFrights responded. "Those lasses don't deserve a depressin' Christmas!"

The room was silent.

"We make our own," said Kruller.

Everyone turned their head to him.

"You heard me. Dead or not, they're still kids. They deserve nothing but the best, especially from us." Kruller pointed his pudgy, transparent finger at a blue ghost wearing a dark blue sweater and cap. "And I know the perfect director for it."

The blue ghost's yellow eyes seemed to sparkle. "I'd be honored to! That is, if everyone is on board."

Another moment of silence.

"All those in favor of the Christmas project, say yeah!" a ghost with a large, red afro said, and pumped her fist in the air.

A chorus of both enthusiastic and conservative "yeahs" came from the ghosts.

"Alright, Morty, I hand the baton over to you," said Kruller.

Morty clasped his hands together. "Alright, everyone. We don't have much time to do this. As we all know, it's Christmas Eve. Therefore..." he pointed at Chambrea. "You get started with cleaning and decorating the lobby. The rest of you, stay here. We need to plan this thoroughly in order for it to be the best Christmas ever!"


Hours passed, and before anyone knew it, the lobby was decked out with wreaths, holly, and even a decorated tree, complete with ornaments and presents beneath. For an added touch, mistletoe was hung over the check-in desk.

"Now this," Kruller mused aloud to Morty, "is more like it. Where's everyone else, by the way?"

"Singing Christmas carols with Amadeus and Phantasmagloria. I wonder if they've begun fighting yet over which musician is superior."

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