~ Son of Rapture ~

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Game: Fire Emblem Awakening (Modern AU)

Author's Note reserved for end


The mother made sure not to slam the door this time. She wasn't in the mood to explain to a repairman how an entire door could be ripped from its hinges by a woman such as herself.

Instead, she sighed. 'It wasn't his fault, he's still young,' she insisted to herself. Her eyes made contact with a plastic sword that laid aloof on the floor and gritted her teeth. "Morgan..."

Frustrated, she walked away from the front door and onwards, past the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and her own bedroom, before finally making it to her son's. Per house rules, his door was open, and the boy was reading a book to himself on his bed. He didn't notice his mother nearby as she placed the sword on the floor of his room.


The boy looked at his doorway to find his mother standing in the doorway, her arms crossed and face soured. His quick smile turned into a frown.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

"I got a call from your teacher today," she began as she approached his bed. "The woman told me you kept insisting to the class that you were spawn of the Fell Dragon. She was concerned about your upbringing, and thus concerned with my treatment of you."

Morgan got anxious. "B-But I'm good at doing stuff without you! Like a grownup!"

His mother shook her head and sat on the bed next to him. "I meant as in their definition of raising a child. You know I don't trust others to take care of someone such as yourself-"

"But that's what I like about me too! And I wanna tell everyone about how awesome my Momma is!"

Momma looked at Morgan with sad, crimson eyes. "You know what could happen to us if they listened to you, do you not?"

Morgan shook his head.

"By sharing such information, you could not only jeopardize our mission, but our very lives, Morgan." She began to gently caress her son's face. "With the way these mortals live and worship, I'm afraid I'm not welcomed by them, and neither would you be. I'd be killed alongside my vessel for certain. If your father were around, he'd likely be killed for heresy. And I cannot imagine what they'd do to a child such as yourself."

Morgan stared back at his mother in fear.

"I do this all for your safety, my child. You may have blood of man in you, but you are also my kin, and I take pride in that fact. I know you've a smart brain. I want you to thrive and grow in your youth before our moment of glory comes," Grima continued, still stroking his face in the hopes of calming him. "Your safety comes before my own, successor or not. I hope you know how much I love you, Morgan."

The boy nodded. "I do, Momma."

She smiled. "I do so love that name," Grima mused before kissing his forehead. "Do you understand why you cannot tell anyone, Morgan?"

"Bad things are gonna happen to us," Morgan replied. "And then we can't rule the world."

"Exactly," Grima affirmed, then kissed his forehead again. "Now that our lecture is over, tell me how else school was today."

"It was okay." Morgan opened the backpack that laid next to him and pulled out a piece of paper. "I drew this for you."

The vessel grabbed the paper. On it was what appeared to be a snake with feathers in the sky and a stick figure boy on the ground covered in a purple rectangle. It was as good as a kindergartener's crayon drawing could get.

"That's me in a Grimleal robe," Morgan described to Grima, "and that's you after the ritual. The real you."

"Oh it's lovely, Morgan," Grima praised. "It looks just like me."

The boy smiled and hugged his mother. "I'm sorry, Momma."

"You are forgiven," she replied. Her son knew she wasn't good with receiving physical affection, but she still enjoyed his hugs nonetheless. "We've still some time before dinner. Shall we play?" Morgan hugged tighter in response. Grima couldn't help but laugh. "You decide, my child."

The game never changed, though. After a few minutes of setting up Morgan's action figures on his bed, the two emerged from the doorway. Morgan proudly wielded his plastic sword as he charged towards the bed. "Nobody messes with my Momma!" he proclaimed and swung his sword at the figures, hitting them until they all knocked over.

He excitedly grabbed the fallen figures and ran over to Grima. "Momma, look, I got you souls!"

"My, how thoughtful of you!" she replied theatrically and scooped the toys into her hands. "Foolish mortals! I am the rapture! I am the wings of despair, the breath of ruin! I am the Fell Dragon, Grima!" She brought the figures close to her mouth and made a loud, sucking noise. "Mmm, such nourishing souls! 'Twas the last I needed to awaken my true form!"

She made a screeching sound and began to run around the room. Morgan giggled as he watched his mom run in circles and eventually towards him. Grima scooped Morgan up into her arms and laughed.

"Roar! I am the Fell Dragon! I like to gobble up little boys most of all! Om nom nom!" She gave Morgan plenty of butterfly kisses as she imitated cartoonish eating noises, eliciting more giggles from the boy.

"I love you, Momma!"

The mother pulled him closer to her. "I love you too, Morgan."


Author's Note: I'm crying I'm shaking Midna127 could never write a Fire Emblem fic in this compilation, it's always about the funni Cash Banooca.

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