~ Vale, Sanctitas ~

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Game: Persona 5 Royal

Drabble dedicated to both Maruki and Billy Kametz, who passed away recently due to complications with cancer.

Title roughly translates to "Farewell, Sanctity"


The last of his belongings were safely kept in the cardboard boxes by the door. Maruki sighed. He knew this day would come, but not this soon.

He'd grown fond of the room he had, until now, called an office. Maruki even became attached to some of his students. Takuto found the so-called "delinquent" in particular to be brimming with potential.

The counselor reached into his pocket. 'It doesn't have to be this way. If it worked with Yoshizawa-san, then I could...'

He shook his head, sighed, and grabbed his notecards. He had a farewell speech to deliver.

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