~ Born to Wish, Forced to Fish ~

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Fandom: The Fairly Oddparents

Author's Note reserved for end


"AND IT'S NECK-AND-NECK TO THE FINISH!" the voice of renowned Olympic skater Scott Hamilton echoed across the Fairy World Stadium. Hamilton sat on a throne by the finish line of the stadium's track, where both the Head Pixie of the Pixies and Anti-Cosmo of the Anti-Fairies were desperately sprinting across. "BUT WHERE IS COSMO!?"

A small boy grabbed the microphone from Scott's hand. "WHERE ARE YOU, COSMO?" the boy, Timmy Turner, yelled into the microphone. "I DON'T WANNA WEAR EVIL SHORTS!"

The two humans watched hopelessly as the stakes rose higher than they were before. If Timmy's plan worked, Cosmo would come bursting through the portal above the stadium and rush past the competition in time. And if he didn't, Timmy would have to pay the price for it, a fact that was eating the boy alive the closer the two evildoers got to the finish line.

"AND IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S GOING TO BE A PHOTO FINISH!" Scott announced. Timmy gulped and hoped that either one of them would start trying to out-cheat the other again.


Suddenly, there was a flash from the portal. Cosmo's head shot straight through. The stadium, predominantly occupied by fairies, cheered on as their chosen representative finally arrived on the scene. Timmy watched with anticipation as the head was looking to land pretty far on the track. He soared and stuck the landing and...

...stopped. Hard. Cosmo just barely reached the finish line, but not fast or far enough.

The flash went off. The crowd became dead silent as the photograph was displayed on the giant jumbotron.

"It's... the Anti-Fairies..." Scott announced, then frowned. "Huh. I didn't think my dream was going to be this depressing. Kinda was hoping for an underdog story with a moral at the end." He began pinching himself. "Come on, wake up!"

Meanwhile, Timmy was pinching himself on every part of his skin that he could think of. "COME ON, WAKE UP!" Timmy repeated frantically. He didn't think this would happen. He didn't want this to happen.

The boy desperately looked at Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof. Wanda looked frightened, whereas Poof and Cosmo were on the verge of crying.

"I'm so sorry, Timmy!" Cosmo choked on his tears. "It's all m-my fault!"

"Cosmo, I-!" Timmy began, only for a sharp beeping noise to cut through. Suddenly Timmy was in his bed, wide awake. His alarm had gone off. He sighed, his breath shakey.

"Oh, thank goodness it was just a dream!" Timmy told himself before looking around his room. It used to look worse, in Timmy's opinion. He didn't miss the bear rug or the flaming bedposts, nor was he mad about the colossal comic book collection in his walk-in closet.

But it wasn't his room and he never wanted it. The boy looked over at the calendar near the four poster bed and laughed mockingly. "Two months. Great."

Timmy made his way over to the closest and picked out his infamous pink shirt, pink hat, and grey pants. He was lucky to keep them, given how strict Anti-Cosmo was about upholding their deal. Actually, he was just strict in general.

Speaking of which, Timmy looked over at the clock as he finished getting himself dressed. 7:55 AM. He only had five minutes to get himself ready for breakfast. Turner sighed, grabbed a comb, and brushed his bedhead away. It was satisfying to see the end result each time, but it didn't make it any less of an annoyance for someone who just wanted to sleep in on a Saturday.

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