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It was painful.

Everything ached.

Taehyung could barely move, his limbs were bruised and bloody and he wanted to cry everytime he even breathed. The feeling of his chest moving up and down was terrible — almost as if he got stabbed every single time he inhaled the oxygen into his lungs.

He was laying on his side on the cold tiles in his bathroom, desperately holding his phone in his right hand — waiting for Jungkook to call him back.

But it just didn't seem to happen.

Taehyung wasn't mad though. Not even disappointed. Because he knew that Jungkook cared about him. He was the only one who ever showed him what it felt like, when someone just...cared.

Something important must have came up and that's why Jungkook didn't answer.

Taehyung couldn't be angry.

Jungkook cared.
And he was important to him.

A sudden sob left the boy, his whole body screaming at him to stop making any movement.

All he wanted was Jungkook.


Jungkook laughed as he stumbled across the empty street towards his house.

His sight was blurry and everything seemed to be shaking. But it looked pretty.

So so pretty.

He grinned to himself, the hickeys on his neck being covered by his leather jacket and his sweaty hair was messily falling into his dilated pupils.

Meanwhile, the figure in front of Jungkook's house sighed slightly, once the man's stumbling body came into view. "Haven't changed a bit, Kook." He murmured to himself.

Jungkook giggled to himself, his steps growing more uncertain with every single one he took.

And then his legs gave up on him.

His head pounded by the harsh impact with the road and he winced. The thin coat of sweat laying on his forehead all of the sudden seeming way too sticky and warm. Jungkook groaned and fluttered his eyes back open, when he felt someone's cold hand on his cheeks and forehead.

"Jungkook? Can you hear me?" The voice asked rather calm, leaving the ravenette in a confused state.

Who was talking to him?

Why was this person talking to him?

"Jungkook. Hey, eyes on me, come on."

Another groan left Jungkook, soft mumbles leaving his chapped lips. He couldn't identify the person hovering above him, his vision was too blurred.

"Fuck." He heard the person mutter and Jungkook...panicked. His breath got heavier, chest moving up and down harshly as he widened his eyes, but didn't feel any difference in his blurry sight.

He was so confused.

What was happening?

The other noticed Jungkook's reaction and cursed again. He carefully patted the drunken man's cheek, desperately waiting for him to just open his eyes and stand up again.

"Come on, come on. Don't leave me hanging here, Kook."

Jungkook's brows furrowed at the cold touch on his cheeks and almost naturally, his body turned to the side to puke onto the road. "Thank god." The stranger breathed out in relief, when Jungkook threw up all the drugs and alcohol in his body.

Or at least a part of it.

Falling onto his back again, the ravenette could feel the other person combing his sweat soaked hair out of his face. "It's okay, you're okay, Kook."

Jungkook clenched his jaw a bit, weakly trying to sit up again, only to feel the stranger grabbing his arm to pull him to his feet. "We have to get you inside. Then you can gladly throw up again."

Clutching his chest when he felt a sharp pain, the boxer let himself being pulled towards his small house. The familiar blue chipping paint getting into his sight and he blinked repeatedly to get rid of the blurriness.

"Give me your key."

Jungkook leaned against the person beside him with his full weight. "Jacket." He croaked out in a quiet and weak tone. The other grumbled a tad annoyed, but nonetheless pushed his free hand into the pocket of Jungkook's leather jacket in order to get the key.

As soon as he felt the cold metal in his hand, he opened the door and dragged the ravenette inside. "Let's get you to the couch first, huh?"

He made Jungkook lay down on the grey couch and took off the man's shoes. "What were you thinking, Kook? The fuck did you even take to be so out of it?"

Only receiving muffled sounds as answer, the male sighed in frustration. He stood up and walked around the house to find what he was looking for, when his gaze landed on the few picture frames in the hallway.

Ever so slowly, he walked up to them and picked one specific photo up into his hands, brushing his thumb over the smiling faces on it.

The male smiled sadly, placing the frame back down to search for the bathroom, grabbing a towel out of it and holding it under the water shortly. He made his way back towards Jungkook, wiping away the sweat with the now cold towel and patting his skin dry again right after.

Another groan left Jungkook at the feeling, slowly opening his eyes once again.

And he was way too relieved to notice that the blurriness was slowly vanishing. He turned to look at the stranger beside him curiously and froze.




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