Chapter 12: Baby's Second Wanted Poster

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Content warning: Mention of drugs

"Attention, citizens of New New York. Curfew begins in 15 minutes. Please return to your complexes as soon as possible. Any citizen remaining outside past the set curfew time will be detained. On behalf of Gateway Corporations and Danron Nell, have a good night."

The announcement cut off and the echo filtered through the streets. Viewscreen billboards lit up with the curfew countdown, alarmingly blue against the darkening indigo sky.

The cold November wind cut through Anna's jacket. She pulled it tighter around her and ducked her head against the chill, watching the cracks in the pavement pass beneath her feet. The wind whipped her hair around her face, partially obscuring her vision. Anna pushed it back with half numb fingers.

As the countdown reached 7 minutes, Anna stepped through a chain link gate and into the Downside. Buildings shifted from tall skyscrapers made from sleek industrial metal to run down complexes of crumbling brick and mortar. Paper leaflets drifted down the sidewalk. Most of New New York had turned digital, but the Downside simply didn't have the funds to fully convert.

Anna pulled down a Wanted poster with her name on it and shoved it in her pocket. She doubted anyone in the Downside would turn her in, but she couldn't take any chances. Many of the people who lived in the Downside were criminals of some sort or another. Tax evaders, petty thieves, anarchists, and the occasional resistance cell called the Downside home. It was them against the world (or more accurately, the cops) and they weren't about to make it any harder on one of their own.

Anna reached her complex with a little less than 4 minutes to spare. She pulled a key from her jacket pocket and jiggled it in the lock. The metal door creaked open, stiff on its hinges, and Anna stepped in.

She jogged down the stairs, each step echoing loudly down the stairwell. It smelled slightly of mold and Jitterbug smoke. The basement stairs were the most popular place to get high (or jittered as some called it) ; private, safe from the elements, and a low chance of getting busted. Unfortunately, the basement stairs led right to Anna's part of the complex and the slightly tangy stench of Jitterbug clung to her clothes.

Anna jabbed her room code into the worn keypad, making sure to push the 2 button extra hard; it often stuck. The lock clicked and Anna pushed open the door.

She was greeted by the warmth of the heating unit and the smell of potatoes cooking. She pulled off her jacket and slung it over a hook by the door, kicking her boots haphazardly into the boot tray.

"Anna, is that you?" a voice called from the kitchen. Anna's sister, Alex, stepped into the living room, wiping her hands on a dishrag. Her red hair was pulled back into a tight French braid, a few strands left framing her sharp face. 

"Yeah, it's me," Anna said. She flopped down onto the couch, rubbing her hands furiously.

"Hey, Aven!" Alex shouted.

"Yeah?" The voice came from the bedrooms.

"Anna's back!"

"Aw, sweet!" Aven came bounding down the hallway and into the living room. "Hey, Anna!"

"Hey!" Anna grinned.

"Any new wanted posters?" Aven winked, flicking their shaggy hair out of their eyes.

"Just one today." Anna pulled the crumpled paper from her pocket and tossed it to her sibling.

They caught it and laughed lightly. "Nice pic!"

Anna shrugged. "There's better ones."

Alex pulled the paper from Aven's hands and straightened it out. "Wow. Baby's second Wanted poster." Alex pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. "She's growing up so fast, Aven."

Aven fake sniffled. "She really is. Our little baby, all grown up."

Anna snatched the paper back. "Okay, that's enough. Y'all can stop."

Alex laughed. "Dinner is ready if y'all are hungry."

"Oh my god, I am starving," Aven said.

Anna leapt from the couch, but Aven pushed her back down and raced to the dining table.

"Hey!" Anna said indignantly, pushing herself up from the couch.

Aven slid into their seat and stuck their tongue out at her.

Anna stood and started towards the dining table but a knock at the door made her pause.

"Police. Open up."

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