Chapter 1: It Wouldn't Be a Space Opera Without a Laser Fight

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Content warning: Sci-fi violence

Andromeda ducked as a burst of laser fire shot over her head. The console behind her exploded in a shower of sparks. She popped up from behind the storage crate and fired her blaster at her attacker, a burning ball of hot, yellow plasma sent hurtling across the room. The blast connected with the man's shoulder and he went down with a yell, his laser gun clattering to the floor. A glowing, red laser beam shot over Andromeda's head, missing her by mere centimeters. She swore and ducked as another shot hit the wall behind her. Andromeda was by no means religious but she hoped if there was someone up above they were on her side. It was unlikely a god would be favoring a band of space pirates, but Andromeda figured there could be no harm in a little optimism.

Twisting around her makeshift barricade she fired again. The officer dodged behind a console but was hit with a barrage of blaster fire from the side. Andromeda breathed a sigh of relief. She caught Suzanna's eye as her first mate adjusted the comically large blaster rifle she held. A god might not have been watching over her but Suzanna definitely was.

"I found the cargo!" a voice called from across the cargo bay. Andromeda glanced over to see Brooke standing by a large shipping container. She was fishing through her pocket, her laser rifle balanced against her right hip.

"Fall back!" Andromeda yelled. She rolled out from behind the storage crate and laid down fire as Brooke attempted to stick a teleporter chip to the shipping container.

"Ready to teleport!" Brooke called.

"Acknowledged!" Andromeda glanced around for Suzanna, spotting her clocking one of the attacking officers with the butt of her rifle. "Suzanna, fall back!"

Suzanna fired another round of blasts in the direction of the remaining cargo ship crew, but started backing towards Brooke and Andromeda.

Andromeda pressed the communications device stuck to her collar. "Cassi, we're ready for teleport."

"Confirmed." Cassi's voice crackled slightly through the comm. "There's interference. Standby."


Suzanna reached the rest of the group, hefting her blaster rifle, still ready to shoot down any other attackers. Some of her hair had slipped from her ponytail and she flicked the brown strands from her face.

Andromeda glanced around. It looked like all of the crewmembers had either been stunned or had fled the cargo bay.

Andromeda let herself relax slightly as Cassi's voice crackled through the comms again, "Ready to transport in 5..."

Andromeda lowered her blaster.


Suzanna began to reset her blaster rifle.


The door on the other side of the cargo bay slid open.


An officer ran in, pointing her laser gun.


She fired.

"Teleporting now."

The beam of laser fire streaked across the cargo bay in slow motion, slicing through the air with deadly precision. It reached its target just as the teleporter lights started to twinkle around Andromeda. A firey pain exploded in her shoulder and then everything went black. 

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