Chapter 7: A Reference to The Great Gatsby

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Content warning: Mention of a bomb

Danron Nell's face glared down from every viewscreen in Times Square. Each one magnified his features to godlike proportions. His pupils appeared five feet tall, staring out across the crowd as if he could pinpoint every single miniscule person and every single miniscule face. A pair of golden spectacles perched upon his slight nose, making him appear almost timid, almost harmless. Almost.

Anna could think of no other purpose for the glasses. Vision correction had become a mainstream treatment decades ago, rendering eyeglasses obsolete. Nell wore them for cosmetic purposes alone. They were made of pure gold; no doubt a symbol of his infinite wealth, and infinite greed. They had the added effect of making him appear somewhat smaller. As if he was the wisest, yet most humbled man in the galaxy. It made his subjects see him as harmless, benevolent even. Anna knew better. Behind those yellow rimmed glasses was a man of pure evil.

Billions of view screens across the Gateway sector of space had cloned Danron Nell's face, shaping him into a billion-headed hydra. He seemed powerful, almighty, like the flick of his wrist or the shake of his hand could bestow upon the people the most miraculous of occurrences, or the most hideous of misfortunes. For many, his appearance was miracle enough. The king himself had descended from his golden throne to address his lowly subjects. He was a legend; a man so wealthy and so powerful he could not possibly be killed. He was, in the eyes of the people, no less than immortal. Anna hoped to god that wasn't a reality.

The speakers crackled to life and Danron Nell tapped the microphone twice. The sound echoed out across the square. Anna could feel the crowd draw in a breath.

"Good afternoon, New New York." The crowd erupted into cheers and screams. In one instant, civility had vanished completely, chaos taking its place.

Anna took the opportunity to quietly slip through the people, quickly nearing the small fence that separated Nell from the hoards. A guard was stationed ten feet down the fence from where Anna was standing. She pulled back into the crowd and waited.

Just a few moments later, there was a larger commotion down the line. A group of people tried to rush the fence. They wanted to get closer to Nell, to see him right in front of them, to touch him, as if they needed confirmation he was real. Several guards converged on the point, pushing people back into the crowd.

Anna withdrew the bomb from inside her jacket. She started the countdown, locked her sights on Nell, and threw. 

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