Chapter 3: An Introduction to the Biggest Jerk in the Galaxy

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Suzanna scowled at the weapons report. According to the computer, one of the main cannons had malfunctioned. She shook her head. This shouldn't have happened. She maintained and updated the damn things every other week. Her cannons should have been in peak condition. She supposed it was possible she could have made a small error. Possible. But not likely. Suzanna King does not make mistakes. At least, most of the time. 

Perturbed, Suzanna stalked onto the bridge, barely acknowledging Brooke's cheery welcome. Something beeped at Cassi's console.

"Captain, we have transmission. It's from the Legacy," Cassi announced.

Andra sighed. "Open a channel," she said reluctantly and swiveled her chair to face the viewscreen.

A pale face filled the screen. Red hair, green eyes, freckles, and a cocky, yet almost charming, smile. Almost charming.

"Captain Rose! How wonderful to see you!" the face on the viewscreen said. His self assured grin grew even wider as he spotted Suzanna. "And Suzanna! Great to see you again! I've missed your company!"

"Captain London," Andra acknowledged coolly.

"Please, call me Rees," he said, trying, and failing, to be suave.

"What do you want, Reesyn?" Suzanna snapped. Only Reesyn London could make a bad day worse.

"Don't call me Reesyn," He dropped his smile to glare at Suzanna, "Suzie."

Suzanna shrugged off the nickname. "I do what I want," she said, turning back to her weapons controls. Laser banks were at the ready.

"What do I want, exactly?" he said, returning to Suzanna's initial question. "That's a great question, my dear cousin, and I'm very glad you asked." He sounded as if he was conducting an infomercial on some new invention whose only purpose was to scam the elderly.

"London!" Andi snapped. "Get to the point. I don't have all day."

Suzanna did a mental run-through of the schedule Andi had presented earlier and realized that, technically, they could definitely spare most of the day. Not that any of them would want to for Captain London.

"Fine. It's about the space race. Y'know. The one with the map and the-"

"I know what space race you're talking about, Captain," Andra said sharply.

"Well, yes, ok, anyway, I was wondering if you would like to discuss a... proposal... of sorts. For the sake of making a deal sound more... romantic," London explained.

Suzanna rolled her eyes. Reesyn London had to be the most aggravating person in the universe.

"Really? A proposal? You're gonna have to do better than that," Andi said.

London sighed. "Consider this: an allyship of two of the most infamous pirate ships in the region. The great captains Reesyn London and Andromeda Rose working together to score what is perhaps the most valuable treasure in the galaxy!"

Andi raised an eyebrow.

"Think about it! The power we'd have! Who's gonna stand against the most successful pirates in the galaxy?"

Andra sighed. "Very well. You may come aboard to discuss the deal," she relented.

"Proposal," London corrected. "And how many of my crew can accompany me?"

"Two," Andi replied. "No weapons."

"Very good. We'll be rendezvousing in about one hour. I look forward to seeing you, Andromeda," he said smoothly.

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