Chapter 4: Just Let Jax Look At Her Star Charts in Peace

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Jax's boots clicked against the metal floor, chasing the reflections of the overhead lights. Jax had a job to do, one job, and she was going to do it. No interruptions, no arbitrary explosions, no false intruder alerts.

She turned the corner of the passageway, walking a little faster. If she got to the science lab as quickly as possible she could seal the doors and prevent anyone on the ship from disturbing her. Including Brooke. Especially Brooke. Maybe just this one time she could get to her station without being subjected by arbitrary social interaction. Namely with Brooke.

Footsteps clicked behind her. Jax sped up again. Perhaps, if she walked fast enough, she could reach the science lab before whoever was behind could catch up, and pretend she didn't notice them, and seal the doors, and finally have some peace and quiet.

The footsteps behind her were quick and sharp. They definitely weren't Brooke's, what a relief, who had slower, lazier steps. Brooke walked as if she had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted and it annoyed the hell out of Jax. Everything about Brooke annoyed the hell out of Jax.

The footsteps got louder as the person behind Jax gained on her. It had to be Suzanna, Jax realized. No one else on the ship could get close to Jax's walking speed, which was quite surprising to Jax considering she had the longest legs and Suzanna had the shortest. What Suzanna lacked in stature she certainly made up for in speed and presence.

"Jax!" The voice belonged to Suzanna. Jax was right. She allowed herself an ounce of pride for the small victory.

Suzanna's footsteps hastened into a jog. Jax did not slow her pace. Suzanna could catch up to her if she wished. Jax wasn't about to make it any easier or harder for her.

"Jax." Suzanna reached her side. Jax gave her a slight nod of acknowledgement. Too much was on her mind to think of a proper greeting.

"Where are you headed?" Suzanna asked, still jogging to keep up with Jax.

"Stellar cartography lab." They turned a corner.

"Oh, yes, that's right," Suzanna said. "To figure out where all the nebulas and black holes are, right?"

"Nebulae," Jax corrected, "And yes, I am going to sync the star chart with the Renegade's computers and identify any anomalies that might pose a threat and develop methods that will protect this ship and everyone on it from total obliteration."

"Oh. Neat, I guess," Suzanna said.

Jax nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go check the firing mechanisms on those laser banks," Suzanna said. "Wouldn't want to get stuck in a firefight with no way of firing!"

Jax nodded again. "Very well."


They reached an intersection and Suzanna slipped behind Jax and into the right passageway.

Jax continued straight ahead. Turning right at the intersection would have led Jax right to the entrance of the stellar cartography lab, but she couldn't bear the awkwardness of continuing to walk next to Suzanna after their conversation had ended, even if just for a few more seconds.

Jax realized that if she had taken the direct route straight from the turbolift she might have been able to avoid talking to Suzanna completely. Then again, there was no guarantee. Besides, taking the longer route was good exercise. Jax had quadriceps to maintain.

The stellar cartography lab was quiet and empty, much to Jax's relief. She set her tablet down on a console and pulled up a blank star chart on one of the screens. She tapped a couple of controls and a three dimensional star chart filled the space above the middle of the console cluster.

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