Chapter 9: This Can't Be Good For Our Story's Heroes

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Reesyn slammed his hands onto his desk, rattling an empty coffee mug. He snatched a tablet off the desk, tearing a hand through his hair. He jabbed in the passcode, his hair gel-coated fingers leaving grease marks on the surface of the tablet.

Reesyn squinted at the display. Their ship was heavily armed. Equipped with four laser banks and two plasma cannons, it was built for combat. He alone would have no chance at beating them.

He cursed and dropped the tablet onto the desk. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling of his office, hands pulling through his hair. He couldn't risk engaging them alone. Especially not now. They had only just started their voyage and, as much as he hated to admit it, he needed them.

Reesyn growled, snatching up the tablet again. He glared at their ship displayed on the screen. Damn them. That could have been him. That should have been him. He shook his head, banishing the thoughts. That will be him. Someday, he would be the greatest pirate lord in the galaxy. It would be his name whispered in darkened alleys and dimly lit pubs. It would be his face plastered on the wanted posters. His name would be on the news headlines and on ebook titles. His name would be the most well known name in the galaxy. Fame would be his! Victory could be his.

Reesyn pressed his fingers into the tablet. The screen flickered slightly. I'll make them pay.


Reesyn looked up. Bairn Dari was leaning through the doorway.

"What is it, now?" Reesyn snapped.

"The Renegade is under fire. They are requesting assistance."

Reesyn clenched his jaw. "Fine. I'll be there in a minute."

Bairn nodded and ducked out of the doorway. The doors slid into place with a clean whoosh and locked with a sharp click.

Reesyn gazed down at the tablet. He would crush them. Like a bug under his heel. They were nothing more than a pebble of a stepping stone in his path to glory. Victory would be his. Reesyn London would be a name for the ages. 

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