Chapter Fourteen

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The results from the audition were hanging outside the theatre, and I anxiously walked towards the crowd. A bunch of people were happy but the same amount were pissed. My eyes scanned the crowd for familar faces and I saw Ingrid, looking as poised as ever, yet a small smile was on her lips. Did she get the part?

Reluctantly, I squeezed through the crowd and looked for my name. Only God knows where the wicked witch of the west assigned me. I finally found my name under Odette. I landed the lead. A weird sensation spread throughout my chest, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Don't get so excited," Riley said, one of Ingrid's minions. "You might want to re-read the list."

Feeling uneasy, I scanned my name. I was the understudy, not the main preformer. A queasy feeling overtook me. I was the understudy. With a slight frown, I turned to look at Ingrid, who had a sly smirk on her lips. She walked towards me, a sense of superiority radiating off of her pale skin.

"I see you're my understudy," She commented. "Get used to it." Riley snickered, along with a few other girls, and they all followed Ingrid inside the theatre. I bit my tongue, something I would have to get used to over the next few years.


I finally had time to myself after classes, finals studying and avoiding Alex. I couldn't help my little slip up and I've never felt more embarrassed. He knew I had more than friendly feelings for him, and was probably laughing it off with Hailey. I snuggled deeper into my covers, scrolling through my Twitter feed.

Codie finally got back from wherever she was previously, and stumbled onto the bed, drunk undoubtedly.

"Maddie?" She attempted to whisper, her voice higher than she thought it was.

"Yeah?" I turned over, looking at my roommate. Her dark eyeliner was smudged and there were bags underneath her eyes. Her short hair was messy and her clothes were uneven. Where was she and what was she doing?

"You're pretty lucky. I mean, Alex is a dick but you still have someone that loves you." She got into her covers even though she didn't wipe her makeup off or change out of her clothes that smelled like puke, piss and weed.

Wait, did she just imply that Alex was in love with me? I shook the thought aside. He was with Hailey. Rude, bitchy Hailey who got me kicked out of the apartment. Rude, bitchy Hailey that broke Alex and Dana up.

"You probably have people that love you," I responded, my voice raspy and raw. I cleared my throat and waited for Codie's reply.

"Yeah." She said, a sarcastic tone evident. "My workaholic father? Or my insane mother?"

I frowned. I didn't realize her home life was so messed up. Maybe that's why the way she is, always partying and drinking and smoking. Maybe she wants someone to save her before it's too late.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Codie didn't say anything back. She pretended she was sleeping with fake snores, but I knew better than to believe them. I turned around and began to drift to sleep when I heard her say something.

"I'm sorry too."


It was finally the weekend and I was glad finals were over. Over the past week, I had to put up with Ingrid's snarky comments and Riley's backhanded compliments. I couldn't wait to go to some crazy frat party and get myself as drunk as I could. After all, I was in college. This is what it was all about.

"I can't believe you're going to a frat party. How lame." Codie snickered as I attempted to find just the right outfit for the event. She wasn't much of a dresser; all she needed was a crop top and her leather pants and she was good to go.

bad girl // sequel to bwc (discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat