Chapter 9: Just Us

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A/N: *Sprinkles a bit of spice in the chapter*

I hope you guys have realized how lame I am from Korra's unfunny jokes. But! I will say this until my fingers fall off. Thanks to all of you for the continued support! It is *chef's kiss* immaculate. You guys are the bestest of the best! Happy reading!


"There has to be something you can do. This is all your fault!"

"I've already told you, multiple times in fact, that there's nothing I can do at this point, Avatar. I've already tried taking control of her body again to seek out her consciousness. She's in there, just not very responsive right now."

"Right now?? Supreme, it's been three days since we left your spaceship!"

"I understand that. It still doesn't change my inability to help, Korra. Asami probably needs to regain consciousness on her own. This has never happened before, so I have no clue how to 'fix' it."

"Fine. Have you at least made up your mind about coming with us?"

" haven't made up my mind. Please, I just need to think about it a little more."

"Okaaaay, but we don't have much time left. I know Entrapta and her techy team had started working on it after we got back. I really think you should join us. It's uncanny that my Kya looks like the Kya in your picture, so we should investigate together."

"That's exactly what I'm afraid to do. You will get an answer, just please leave for now."

Korra sighs heavily and kicks down the exit door to the already beaten up spaceship. The clones above her groan in disapproval, already annoyed with their task to fix the wide, gaping hole left from She-Ra. "Sorry." Korra mumbles.

Once outside, she sees Catra hop down from a tree. "Hey Korra."

Korra stares at the woman in front of her, not sure what to feel or what to make of the way Catra just said her name. She decided not to dwell on it. "What are you doing here?"

"I followed you to keep an eye out, make sure Supreme didn't do a full 180 on you."

"You left Adora to watch Asami??"

"Of course not! I wouldn't even leave that bonehead to take care of Seahawk, and I couldn't care less about him. Perfuma is watching Asami."

"Greeeeat so I can definitely count on my girlfriend smelling like flowers. We might as well live in a story book."

"Hey...I know you're upset. You're situation is the complete opposite of ideal. But, we're here for you. Try not to be so grouchy."

"That's rich coming from you."

"Exactly. So cut it out. How'd things go in there?"

"She's still saying there's nothing she can do." Korra kicks a pebble, then looks up at the clouds in the sky and furrows her eyebrows sadly. "What if...what if Asami never wakes up?"

"No. No, no. Absolutely not. I know what you're doing. Adora does it all the time. I'm not helping you spiral down a gutter of what ifs. Keep it to yourself, but just know that none of them matter. The only thing that matters is you getting your girl back. So come on and stop being so pathetic already. Its not a good look on you." Catra turns her back to Korra and starts her walk back to Bright Moon.

She's right. I just need to focus on getting Asami back. I'm the Avatar. Saving people is what I do, what I live for. If I can't save my girlfriend when she needs me the most, who can rely on me to save them when the time comes? I just need to get my head in the game. Avatar Korra for the win!

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