Chapter 4: The Ruin of Relationships

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Heyyyyy!! Author here. I just wanted to put a fair warning on this chapter for any younger viewers there might be. It will get a bit spicy toward the end of this chapter. Gonna drop a capital R rating on this one. Other than that, I just want to thank everyone for their comments and votes on my story so far! I'm just happy someone is enjoying this. Will have an update for all of you in a few days! Happy reading!

"There you guys are!"

Everyone screams and attempt to defend themselves as Glimmer and Bow suddenly appear in their view at the entrance of the ruin.

"Geez, Glimmer don't do that! I almost went full blown She-Ra on you!"

"Nevermind that, were you guys going exploring without us?!"

Bow gasps loudly. "Are you two replacing us with them? No fair! We're the only ones you're allowed to double date with! It's Best Friend Squad policy!"

Catra's ears perk up and her tail swings back and forth quickly before she pounces towards to the duo. Glimmer faceplams and groans because she knows what's about to come next. Bow is still oblivious to what he just let slip out.

"Double date? Since when are you two daaating?" Catra puts an arm around both of them as she starts to tease them.

"Whaaat? Dating? Pfft. Who said that? What I meant to say was! Yeah, yeah. Double team. Because Glimmer and I for sure did not kiss and start dating right after we defeated Horde Prime kinda like the two of you did. That definitely didn't happen." He pokes his fingers together nervously while looking away at the ceiling to avoid eye contact.

Catra looks at Glimmer. "He's such a bad liar. How are you ever going to get him to keep a secret?"

"Boooow!" Glimmer whines as she pushes away a laughing Catra. "This isn't when we agreed we would tell them!"

"I'm sooorry! It just kind of came out. I was not in control of the situation!"

"Wait, so the two of you are really in a relationship?"

"Duh Adora." Catra says. Glimmer stops in her tracks when she has gotten Catra next to Adora and teleports back to Bow's side. "I still think you had gotten brain damaged when we took that skiff together a while back. It could just be starting to have an effect on you." She grabs Adora's face and examines her closely.

Adora rolls her eyes and gently tries to shove Catra's face away. "Is that going to be our inside joke?"

Catra crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at her girlfriend. "Forever babe. Ooo! It could be my new way to tease you. I'm always looking for ways to do that."

"Count me in! Teasing Adora should be a new hobby."

At this point, Korra had made two stone stumps for her and Asami to sit on and watch the four friends. A soft, gentle voice calls out her name and she stares at the long hallway in front of them.

"Do you hear that Asami?"

"What? Their conversation? Hard not to...What's wrong?"

Korra shakes her head slightly. She's the only one hearing the voice.

Suddenly, the entrance behind them starts closing and the lights go out. Korra is unable to bend the door open or earthbend anything inside of the ruin anymore. Glimmer tries to teleport everyone outside, but glitches with each attempt. With a defeated sigh, Korra firebends a ball of flame in her hand and grabs hold of Asami's hand in her free one. Her girlfriend squeezes her hand reassuringly.

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