Final Chapter: Home

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A/N: Ah! It's here! I'm very sorry that it took so long! Truthfully, I had finished this story a little while ago, but it just wasn't the way I wanted this to end. I wanted to end on a light, fun note but the other ending was the opposite, so naturally I had to wait until I was in the exact mood/mindset to write something fun and cutesy, so here we are now! And this will conclude my story. Thank you to everyone who has made this journey with me. You all deserve forehead kisses! Anyway, I'll end this long note and let you get to the story. Thank you all so much! Happy reading!


As Korra takes her position at the podium, rapid clicks can be heard, followed by flashes of light as Republic City's paparazzi all try to get photos of the Avatar.

"Avatar Korra! Where have you been for the past seven months?"

"Avatar Korra! Is it true that you wanted to run away from your Avatar responsibilities much like Avatar Aang did in his young years?"

"Avatar Korra! Who are your strange looking guests up on stage with you?"

"Avatar Korra! Is it true that you ruthlessly tortured Guan?"

"Avatar Korra! Is it true that you ran away to another world to pursue a romantic relationship with Asami Sato, CEO of Future Industries?"

Korra chuckles nervously at the barrage of questions, not knowing where to begin. Asami notices her girlfriend's foot tapping rapidly against the floor. She subtly scoots closer to Korra and places her hand gently on the Avatar's lower back. They quickly glance at each other and Asami gives her a reassuring smile. That was all Korra needed.

"Believe me when I say that I love being the Avatar. I always want to save and help as many people as I can. I was on my way to the spirit world with Asami, but we got sucked into another dimension instead, where time moves faster than it does here. There, I met these two to my left, Catra and Adora. They're amazing allies and we all became friends. They helped me rescue Republic City from falling into Guan's hands. The former Commander was arrested by Chief Beifong after we questioned him for information on the whereabouts of his brainwashing machine. Rest assured, he was not tortured." Korra pauses to take a sip of water.

"And what of your relationship with Ms. Sato? Are the rumors true?"

Catra and Adora share a look before turning their heads to look at the other couple.

"Wanna make a bet? I say Korra will make Asami make the confession." Adora whispers to Catra.

"What makes you think that?"

"Just look at her. She's shaking in those boots of hers and Asami looks completely calm."

Catra stares at Korra for a moment and sees the clear resolve on her face. "Nah. Korra's got this. When you lose this bet, you have to let me cut your hair."

Before Adora could get the chance to process what Catra said, Korra continues speaking.

"Asami and I..." Korra moves to the side a bit and grabs hold of the hand Asami had on her lower back. She brings Asami's hand to her lips, kisses it softly, and the two share a look filled with warmth. "Are in love. It's as simple as that for the two of us. And she is currently my girlfriend."

Without missing a beat, the paparazzi continue investigating.

"Avatar Korra! Do you think it's a conflict of interest for the Avatar and a powerful CEO to be in a relationship?"

"Avatar Korra! Would that make you the second female Avatar to have romantic relations with another woman?"

"Avatar Korra! Ms. Sato! How long have the two of you kept your relationship a secret?"

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