Chapter 14: Truth Be Told

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"Dammit Korra, how much more trouble are you planning on getting us into?"

Korra puts her hands on her hips and looks at her blonde alternate. "As much as we can get into. Aren't you having fun? We're having fun, right Asami?"

Asami casually nods her head with her eyes closed. "A real blast. I'm glad Lin let us do this."

"Me too." Korra smiles and melts the ice block that was surrounding Guan's head.

He gasps for air while his clothes get soaked from the melted ice. "Are you out of your mind? Is this any way for the Avatar to treat a civilian?!"

"War criminals don't get to have opinions." Asami crosses her arms and glares at him.

"Weeeeeelll..." Adora chimes in and scratches her cheek with one finger. "Some of them can change and redeem themselves."

"Huh? Adora. Whose side are you on here?"

"Mine." Catra says, then walks to Guan and pushes on his chair with her foot so that it tilts backwards. "But I was redeemed through love. I'm not sure this guy has a reason to redeem himself."

"All of these nations are corrupted. The rich sit around and get richer while the poor scavenge and work hard and still get poorer. Criminal benders are running rampant, exploiting the nonbenders. There is no order in this world and the Avatar is useless to us. People were suffering while she pranced around carelessly with...people like you."

Adora sucks in air between her teeth. "Ouch. That seemed like a lot of insults packed into three words. When you say people like us, do you mean the women loving women kind or the strange hair and half cat kind?"

"Why don't you take your own pick?" He grits his teeth at them.

"He definitely means both." Catra leans her face closer to him and he turns his cheek to her. "That's quite a lot of hate harbored in someone who claims to want peace and justice. It just doesn't add up, pal." Catra pushes on his chair, causing him to fall over and groan in pain from hitting the back of his head against the floor.

Guan suddenly starts laughing out loud. "Enjoy this while you can, Avatar Korra. Whatever fantasy world you were in with these two for those 7 months seem to have made you lose sight of what your actual home is like. The last known female Avatar to like women was Kyoshi and as persuasive and admirable as she was, she still met resistance and protests to her relationship. It's been quite a number of years since, but the mindset around two women dating hasn't changed much, especially after the extinction of the air nomads in Avatar Aang's time." He smirks maniacally at them. "Just wait until the media learns that our precious Avatar has been off frolicking around romantically with Miss Sato here while they were suffering and oppressed."

Korra clenches her fists. "As if you'll ever see the light of day again. You're going to prison for the rest of your life." Asami places a calming hand on Korra's shoulder, causing the Avatar to take a deep breath and calm down. Asami remembers how she felt after Kuvira got captured and doesn't want Korra to harbor the same hatred.

"Republic City will know Asami and I are a couple, but on our terms, not yours." Korra bends some air under him and brings his chair back on its feet.

"Doesn't sound like you'll be met with much support either way." Adora says. "That's really sad. You're their Avatar, their savior. How could they be anything short of supportive of you for saving their lives over and over? The people of Elberon would throw us parties for saving them."

Korra looks at her feet. "That's just how things have always been. I might have saved them from Kuvira's robot, but they blamed me for the destruction of their homes. I might have stopped one uprising dictator but they'll blame me for the success of this one. I can't truly win because being the Avatar means being both sides of the coin."

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