Chapter 3: Reign Supreme

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"These cursed humans." Catra walks the short distance through the woods towards the clones' camp. Her eyes glow in a bright green. She neatly slicks back her hair and talks in a voice that is not hers. "I'll rid this planet of them all and use it as my stronghold, harness the released power all for myself, then rid the rest of the universe of these wretched creatures once and for all. I will succeed where my dearest brother failed."

Now standing in front of the campsite, she releases a telepathic pulse that causes all the clones to wake up and gather in front of her. They drop to one knee with their heads bowed and a fist against the ground.

"We are here to humbly serve you, our queen." They all declare together.

"Failures, all of you. I've been watching my little brother conquer world after world, destroying nations and people, only for the lot of you to become lax when the time came to also claim this pitiful planet that happens to possess an intense amount of raw power. Taking this planet was the step we needed in order to destroy entire dimensions."

She starts pacing back and forth in front of the crowd of clones. "No matter. I will just finish what he started. My brother, Prime, will not have died in vain. I swear by my name that I will exact our revenge."

She stops in her tracks and faces the clones once more. Her eyes darken to a deep green mixed with black as she glares at them. "And I will not stand for disappointment. Am...I...understood?"

The clones tremble in their position and bow their heads lower. "Yes, Lady Supreme."

Her eyes return to a lighter shade of green and she turns around to face the clone taking cautious steps while approaching her. "Ah, yes. The clone who gave himself a name. Hordak was it?" She moves towards him and a mischievous smile makes it way across her face. "Ambitious. Very ambitious indeed." She circles around him slowly. "Having free will is an intriguing thing, is it not? It washed away all your loyalty towards Prime and caused you to betray him." The smile leaves her face as she stops behind him.

Hordak was terrified. He was unable to move and could hardly control his breathing. He was aware of Prime's sister from being connected to his memories in the hivemind, but he never imagined that she held such a terrifying presence. "I-"

His attempt to speak was cut off by Supreme's hand on his shoulder that slammed him into the ground on his knees. The force from the impact causes a small, shallow crater in the ground around his knees.

"Maybe your defiance has made you forget, but you will bow in my presence until I say otherwise and you will not speak unless you are told to." He winces from the pain and shakily assumes the position of the other clones.

"Much better." Her smile returns and she fixes his hair into a neat slick back. "Now then, while we're having this chat, maybe you can explain to me how and why there is a clone who is disconnected from the hivemind. It's one thing to have free will, it's another thing to completely become his own person. You may respond and I would choose my words carefully if I were you. I will not tolerate lies."

Hordak didn't know what to say. He had seen and interacted with Wrong Hordak, but he hadn't yet gotten the story about him because he gave all his attention to Entrapta. Saying he has no clue about the clone is the truth, but there was the possibility that it could sound like a lie to her.

Luckily for him, Supreme continued talking, which gave him more time to come up with something. "The thing is, my abilities work differently than that of my brother's. He's able to make clones, control them, transfer his consciousness into them, and share and store memories within them. On the other hand, I cannot make clones. I can only take command of those already made from someone in my family. And if I do transfer my consciousness into one, no memories are stored. I, however, don't need the help of a device to take control of someone else and I can mimick their personalities and relations perfectly. My host won't remember anything I did while I had control of their body, but I see all they do. Nonetheless, I don't want any hiccups in my plans. Catra doesn't have any memory of this...Wrong Hordak. If there is a way that these humans can recruit the lot of you, I need to know...Hordak."

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