Chapter 11: Avatar 2.0

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Asami's POV

I sigh right after I finish neatly tucking the tablet Bow gave us inside my jacket. I'm lucky this one is a convenient size instead of the bigger one he usually taps away on. I have to be careful not to lose this. It's too valuable right now.

I look around my cell and my eyes land on Jinora's body. I really wish I could have done something to save Korra, but they ambushed us and hardly gave us a chance to react. Shortly after Tenzin and Jinora explained the situation to us, a group of chi blockers surrounded us. They went after Korra and Tenzin first. When they captured those two, I knew they were going to put us all in prison, so I quickly grabbed the tablet from my backpack and hid it in my jacket then tried to attack, but they immobilized me and got Jinora next.

Since being in the cell, she meditated and used her spiritual projection to assess our predicament and find out more about everyone else. Out of the frying pan and into the fire I guess.

I really just wanted to curl up in my bed in Korra's arms and just have a night to really relax. They might have thought we've been gone on vacation, but there was hardly anything relaxing about it.

A guard comes and stands in front of my cell with their back turned to me. That's strange. They usually just walk by. "Asami? When did you get here? Where's Korra?" That voice sounds familiar. Could it be...?


"Shh! Keep your voice down. I'm undercover in Guan's forces. Where is the Avatar? We need to make sure they don't get their hands on her or we'll all be screwed."

"It's a little too late for that." What did I miss here? Whatever occurred to have her standing here, all I know is that I can't trust her.

She sighs. "If they've got the Avatar, then we at least need the Sato genius to help us in the fight." Another guard starts walking this way. "I'll be back for you. Hang tight for now." She starts walking away.

I stand up and grab the cell bars. "Don't waste your time. I won't be going anywhere with you. You killed my father and just expect me to do what you say? Good luck with that."

She doesn't say anything and just continues patrolling down the hallway.

"Ugh!" I kick the bars and one of them shake loose. I quickly grab it so it doesn't fall and get the attention of the guard who hasn't noticed anything, then I look back at Jinora's body. "Sorry Jinora, but I'm breaking out of here. I'll be back for you, for all of you."

Adora's POV

"Are you sure it was a good idea to not bring Bow and Glimmer with us? At the very least we should have brought Sparkles. She's very useful for escapes."

I look at my hands and ball them into fists before opening them again. It's like I felt all the power leave my body after we stepped through the portal. "...For the honor of Grayskull!"

Nothing. This is exactly what I was worried about. Korra has the full power of Raava while I only have a portion. So while she could use her powers in our dimension, I can't use mine here. And this is exactly why I didn't have Bow and Glimmer tag along. Fantastic. Now how are we supposed to save those two?


"It didn't work. I have no powers here." I start pacing. "We should go back. Some brainwashing isn't enough to defeat Korra."


"I'm sure she'll eventually snap out of it and rescue everyone on her own. Right?"


I look up at Catra and throw my arms in the air. "You can't seriously expect us to stay here! We're incapable of doing anything to help! And we're even more disadvantaged because we have no one to show us around this place!"

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