642 19 17

'Trim the branches of an Iroko tree while it is young, if it matures completely it cannot be bent again'


What I'd been avoiding has finally surfaced, Nick has to know about this. He has been ignoring all the calls and messages I sent to him and has refused to let me into his office premises, I was beyond embarrassed when the security asked me to drive out as they said it was an order from their boss that I shouldn't be allowed to set foot in the premises.

With determination, I stand up from the couch and quickly grab my car keys and handbag and dash out of the house into the car ignoring my maid on my way out who keeps asking if I wanted to eat. I steer the car towards Nora's house address. The drive to her house wasn't a long one as I drove past the speed limit.

I step out of the car immediately I pull into Nora's driveway and march to the front door knocking loudly on it.

The door cracks open after several thunderous knocking, Nora tries to open her slightly close eyes properly. Her puffy eyes and ruffle hair give the notion she'd just woken up.

"You!" I scream pointing my finger on her face.

"What do you want, Lauren?" She sighs dropping her weight on the door.

"Where is my husband?" I push past her into the house.

"Lauren! Lauren!" She runs after me as I speedily head up the stairs screaming and calling out to Nick.

"Come out and face me, you man whore!" I yell out searching all the rooms to find no presence of Nick but I'm convinced he is hiding somewhere.

"Happy now?" Nora asks when I walk back into the living room where she sits sipping coffee.

I shake my head, "Where is my husband, Nora?"

"You are paranoid," She says returning her gaze to the mug in her hand.

"You need to get yourself a man and stop running after mine. How many homes do you plan on ruining?"

"Meaning?" She asks setting the mug on the stool beside the couch.

"Nick is my husband..."

"And so?" She cut me off rudely.

"Stay the hell away from him, keep your scheming business to yourself!" I snap.

She laughs crossing her legs, "Sometimes, I ask myself if Nick had a blindfold on to not see the demon behind your angelic face. In all honesty, your beauty is a waste to the earth"

"What? How dare you?" I feel my heart pounding hard against my chest.

"You don't deserve that man. You are a heartless bitch, I hope he leaves you soon" She picks up her mug and remote turning her face to the television.

I walk close to her, she narrows her gaze to me and smuggles into the couch comfortably with a smirk gracing her face. My hands knotted into a tight fist and before she could guess my next move, it landed on her puffy smooth face.

"Ah!" She muffles an exclamation with a crack tone.

"I will do much more than that if you continue sleeping with my husband. This won't be like the last you ran away, I will ensure you suffer before you disappear" I warned with a firm and stern voice.

Nora stretches up from the couch tossing off the fluffy slippers out of her legs.

"You hit me in my hospital and I let it slide. You hit me at the restaurant and again, I let it slide but you see in my house, no one has the right to walk through that door and hit me without getting panel beaten. I will make you regret setting foot in my house" She snarl and launch herself towards me.

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