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'Add value to the things you have at hand, once lost, it can never be regain'


I hate having heated argument with Lauren, I swear it drives me insane each time she misjudged a situation. Why would I want to cheat on her with Nora? It doesn't even make sense and the fact that she doesn't trust me hurt more than the accusation itself. I should have told her about Nora but knowing my wife, I knew she will react negatively, which is the case now. My home appear to be a battle field for us, each day must have a new war for us to battle with. How am I going to prove my innocence to her? When she has already chosen what to believe.

If I had told her about Nora, she will still find a fault to fight which was one of the reason I didn't bother bringing it up.

My ringing phone had me jerking up a bit. I glance at the screen and smile when I see the name that pop up.

"Hey bro. Why did you have to cancel the dinner without informing me? Do you know how stupid I look waiting for you at the restaurant?" The voice echo loud on the phone's speaker.

"Sorry Jackie, something came up. We can always reschedule" I sigh rubbing my forehead.

Jackie is my younger sister. She insisted I take her out for dinner in a Chinese restaurant today which I didn't remember due to the happening with Lauren constant nagging.

"I'm very mad that I might beat you to stupor if I set eyes on you" She rant on while I sighed, "Are you okay?" She asked .

I exhale deeply, Jackie is the only one I let into what has been going on in my marriage and wanted it to stay that way for now.

"I guess so"

"You're guessing if you're okay? What did she do now?" I hear her hiss with irritation. Jackie never liked Lauren from onset, the two women hardly get along let alone see eye to eye.

I didn't say anything. I'm too exhausted to keep up with any complain.

"With your silent, I think it's so bad" She let out and continued, "Tell me how bad things are this time".

"I don't know" I reply her honestly.

"What do you mean by you don't know? Stop giving me one way answer, Nick" She yell into the phone. Geez! Why do the women in my life so loud.

"I need some air, can I come over to your place?" I asked changing the topic. I really have to get out of this house for some minutes before I begin to  question my sanity.

"Is it that bad? Anyways I'm coming over to yours so don't worry. I'm with mom and I sincerely need a break from her as well. Your mother is intolerable." She let out with a sigh.

"You took after her, remember?" I chuckle when she said something in French that I didn't quite understand

"See you soon" She hang up before I could give her a reply.I stare at the phone shaking my head. I'm certain my mother has drain her with work.

The smell of burnt food hit my nose, Oh mine! I totally forgot I had something on fire, I rush into the kitchen. Smoke were beginning to build up but thanks to the expeller. It would have been worse as the food has burnt beyond recognition. I quickly turn off the cooker and carry the pot dumping it in the sink.

I stare down at the pot, why is everything against me today? My wife and now food. I angrily turn on the tap filling the pot to the brim. I don't have the energy to go through the stress of preparing another meal. My life is an opposite of what I had planned it to be.

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