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'Choices are like shoes, you seek the ones that fit into your legs, but live with the consequences of choosing the tight ones'


It has been two freaking days of mess and stress since Hillary suddenly cut himself off work and disappear from the face of the earth without a means of tracing him, leaving me with the huge responsibility of joggling the day to day running of the gallery and his part of assignment which involve some unfinished contracts he has been handling.

The past two days hasn't been the sweetest of days in my life, I literally bury myself in paperwork. I have been going to his place on a daily basis but the place is always locked up and the annoying part is the fact that he has turn off his phone.

Something is wrong, I can feel it strongly but I can't just up and go to the police and report a missing person when his neighbours stated clearly they saw him leave the house with a travelling bag.

With a tired sigh, I look at the piles of files that needed immediate work on and toss them to the left side of the desk.

I pick up the intercom that rings out noisily and immediately regret answering it. Mr Emeka, one of our clients beam with anger as he rain his disappointing speech to me.

"Please be calm Mr Emeka, your work is almost ready and...."

A deep angry voice cut me off yelling all manner of disappointing comments back to me before I could utter the remaining words.

I stay calm shutting my eyes. This is what I hate to happen, why will Hillary do a thing like this?

"I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have cause you" I try to sound calm as possible, even though he has every right to be mad as the expected portrait of his wife he had ordered was meant to be ready since yesterday so he can present it to her today which is her birthday. Hillary was working on it before he magically disappear abandoning the work.

I stay muted listening to Mr Emeka as he kept on rendering diverse words on how angry and disappointed he is towards our behaviour. All I could do is apologize which he didn't accept, it only seems like the apology is fuelling his anger. He needs to cut us some slack considering the fact we haven't let him down before now.

"Yes. You will get it by 8am tomorrow, I promised. We are very sorry for the delay" I told him before he warned me sternly ending the call on me. So much for explanation!.

I rest my head on my hands and hold onto the receiver even though Mr Emeka has ended the call.

"Excuse me, sir" A light knock at the door got my attention.

I look up from the position to see my PA hugging piles of files to his chest. He has been filling in for Hillary and I can tell he is having a hard time himself.

I place the receiver back on the desk.

"Yes, Tayo. Have you gotten any information on Hillary's whereabout?"

"Eh..no sir"

I sigh and lean into the chair rubbing my temple to ease the tension.

"Do you need anything?" I asked when he kept tapping his foot restlessly.

"Yes, sir. I'm having issue balancing the account, everything looks confusing. I was wondering if you can go through some of the voucher related to the sales at the exhibition last month" He breathe out in frustration.

"Hmm. The voucher isn't sorted out?" I asked dropping my elbow on the desk.

"Yes sir"

"Hillary is always good with this kind of thing. Where would he be?" I grumble to myself and I'm certain Tayo heard cause I hear him heave a deep breathe.

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