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My eyes slowly flutter open, and the sun rays blind me slightly. I turn the opposite direction to avoid the light but feel a heavy weight on my waist. I open my eyes and see Suna.




I shot out of bed and fell on the floor with a loud thump. What the heck is Suna doing here??

"Ow! Fuck" I groan, rubbing the part of my back I fell on. My head hurts like crazy.

"You dumbass." Suna grumbles and sits up on my bed. Holy shit his tired voice is to die for??

"Why are you in my bed? I'll call the pedo police."

"Pedo poli- we're the same age? Plus you told me to stay. Remember?" He rubs his eyes and gets off my bed, and I get off the floor. We both walk to the kitchen and sit at the table.

"No, I don't remember. And I've got a major headache.." I say while rubbing my head. I try to remember last nights events, but it hurts to think right now.

Suna gets up, grabs a cup and fills it with water, handing it to me afterwards.

"Yeah..you're a light weight. I brought you home. You were drunk and annoying." He says while taking a seat at my table again.

"What about suga and the rest?"

"You texted them telling them we left"

"Oh...why'd we leave before everyone else?"

Suna didn't answer that question. I'll keep that in mind.

"Anyway, thanks for letting me stay over, I've gotta get going. Bye dork" He gets up from the table and heads to the door.

"Bye sunawhore"

He glared at me slightly, then left my house. I didn't try to push him to tell me why we left early. If he didn't wanna answer, then he doesn't have to. But now I'm curious. So I'll just ask someone else. Hopefully kenma or akaashi knows. Actually.

You: Kenmaaaaaaa

Sugar daddy 😘: Etsuko.you know how early it is?

You: Yet, youre are awake :D

Sugar daddy 😘: ...

If you want me to take you to Victoria's secret again, wait till next saturday. I spent all night looking after suga

You: no...but I'll keep that in mind-

Can you come over please :D if youre

still with suga, he can come too.

Sugar daddy 😘:He's with Akaashi now,
I'm on my way I guess.
Keep the door unlocked

You: Yes sir !!

I put my phone down, and go to the front door to unlock it. I then go to the living room, and put on a random show. Then I start to remember some things from last night. I was talking to this guy...boru? Tomura?

"TORU!!" I shout out loud.


Um why'd I just shout that. That's embarrassing. even though there is no one here. I hear a knock at my door. That was fast. I get up and go to the door, and I open it. And standing at my door...


no I'm kidding. It's just kenma.

"MORNING KENMA!!!" I shout at him. What is with me and this shouting.

"Why are you so fucking loud. good morning." He comes in, and I close the door and follow him to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I ask him. There's a pep in my step, and i begin to walk ahead of him.

"Yeah" He says tiredly.

"Extra creamer right?"

"I can tell you work at a coffee shop" His tone was teasing, but its true. I do work at a coffee shop.

"I'm surprised I'm not a stripper"

"Same" I scoff at his reply and hand kenma his coffee and sit down beside him.

"Well? You called me out so early for what? I better get a free nap..."

"Jeez...yeah you can take a nap on my couch I guess."

"Actually, c'mon I'm tired." He sets his coffee down, and heads to my couch. He lays down, and pats his belly, signalling me to lay down. So I do, I lay my head on his chest, and sigh. He closes his eyes and plays with my hair.

"So? What is it?" He asks.

"Do you know what happened last night? I asked Suna why we left earlier than you guys, but he just ignored it."

He ponders for a sec

"I seen you talking to atsumu, he was kinda all over you and you looked a little drunk. Then I saw Suna come over. I guess you guys left because of Atsumu." He says, but i dont understand.

"Atsumu? Why doesn't Suna like him?"

"Something back in high school maybe? I don't know. We didn't go to the same school. You can see if he'll tell you."

I nod my head. I felt his breath starting to settle..

Guess he fell asleep

I kinda remember the Atsumu guy...but not really. Then I remembered what Suna said about him.

'i don't trust him.'

You don't trust alot of people..rin.....but if it's someone from highschool that you don't trust.

I'll stay away from him for you.

723 words originally

837 words edited

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